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RaintreeWrite a Review

1849 N. 200 W., Provo, UT 84604

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πŸ›Œ  5
πŸ›  1.5
πŸŽ“   0.8mi to BYU

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to BYU

Location Details

πŸ“ 1849 N. 200 W., Provo, UT 84604

πŸŽ“ 0.8mi

Distance to BYU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 12min

EST. Walk to BYU

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to BYU

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to BYU

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I really liked my ward and the people who lived at this apartment complex, but the apartments are really crappy. They should have put more money into the inside, than reduing the outside. The internet pretty much does not work and like most apartment complexes, if you get home past 8, you'll walk a mile. Carpet and linoleum is disgusting. I can't walk bare foot in my own apartment. ...


teeny tiny parking spots. But very social and fun. Great wards. I never saw or hear of any the "scandals" these other postings mentioned. There was a pretty good mix of people (BYU, UVSC, Bon Losi). The managment was really nice and you could request roommates that were fellow university students if you wanted. typical provo housing quality. Particularly fun in the summer. the management will throw random barbgues and give out free food. I rented from fall '04 through summer '05. ...


Parking sucks. If you don't get one by the apartments, you get to enjoy parking in BFE and walking quite a ways to the complex. Nice pool and hottub. Full of mostly younger people. Internet is pretty poor. Quality of the aparments is pretty shoddy, as well as the wait for repairs/maintenance. ...


Lots of slutty UVSC people; partying and sleeping around happens a lot. I rented from fall '02 through winter '03.


Way to far away from campus. Social life stinks if your apt. faces out. I rented from fall '05 through winter '06.


Raintree is a really fun place to live, but it's not that great. It could be better and cleaner. But if you speak up, the management will handle your request (I got us new carpet and tile). I rented from fall '06 through winter '07.


Raintree is really ghetto and there are a lot of drug dealers here.


Really ghetto, and it seems like no matter how much cleaning you do the apartment still feels dirty. However, if you don't care about that, it's a great place otherwise. I rented from spring '06 through summer '06.

Lived at Raintree?

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