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603 E. SpeedwayWrite a Review

603 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85705

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πŸ›Œ  3
πŸ›  1.5
πŸŽ“   13mi to Tucson

πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to Tucson

About 603 E. Speedway

Within Walking Distance to the U of A - Don't miss out on this property within walking distance to the University of Arizona campus and the downtown street car. This property has hardwood floors throughout with a basement bedroom that has separate access to the outside of the property. Two car garage and concrete drive in the back offers plenty of off street parking and is enclosed with a security gate. Kitchen has been remodeled with new appliances and granite countertops.

No Pets Allowed

Location Details

πŸ“ 603 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85705

πŸŽ“ 13mi

Distance to Tucson

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Tucson

🚲 30+min

Est. Bike ride to Tucson

πŸš— 26min

Est. Drive to Tucson

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