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Germantown ApartmentsWrite a Review

955 S German Ln # c2, Conway, AR 72034

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πŸ›Œ  1-2
πŸŽ“   0.1mi to UCA

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πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to UCA

Location Details

πŸ“ 955 S German Ln # c2, Conway, AR 72034

πŸŽ“ 0.1mi

Distance to UCA

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 2min

EST. Walk to UCA

🚲 1min

Est. Bike ride to UCA

πŸš— 1min

Est. Drive to UCA

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 58/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Germantown Apartments alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Former Resident

Honestly, it was liveable, but it all depends on your neighbors, as always with college apartments. Our downstairs neighbors were really messy apparently, so we had a big cockroach problem for a while because their lifestyle choices attracted them. I will say though that once the pest control figured out that it was their apartment causing the problems and they sprayed extra, we didn't see any cockroaches until we were moving out and I guess enough time had passed from the first spray that the bugs were starting to come back. When there is a problem, the workers are quick to fix it. Most of our neighbors were pretty quiet and nice, although the neighbor right next to us smoked so much weed it made our apartment smell like someone had just lit a whole cannabis farm on fire at times. It was frustrating to say the least because the management wouldn't do anything about it, although in every other situation they were very helpful and very responsive to requests. If anything was broken and we put in a request, it would get dealt with very quickly, so that was nice. They're pretty much the cheapest apartments in Conway, so you get what you pay for in the quality of apartments and neighbors. I only felt unsafe a couple of times when it was night and there were some men walking around, but it seemed like they lived in the complex and nothing happened. I've accidentally left my wallet in plain sight in my car multiple times living there and my car was never broken into. If you're wanting to rent as cheap as possible, this is definitely liveable. It's not terrible. In my opinion, I would definitely just try to find a third roommate or something and get a nicer apartment with three rooms somewhere else and the cost of living will be about the same as if you were to get a two-bedroom and live in Germantown. I just hated the dingey carpets and always killing cockroaches. The kitchen was way too small for me too because I love to cook and there's hardly any room to move around. ...

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