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South Canfield ApartmentsWrite a Review

3326 S Canfield Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034

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$1,090 - $1,400
πŸ›Œ  2
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   14.3mi to Los Angeles

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to Los Angeles

Location Details

πŸ“ 3326 S Canfield Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034

πŸŽ“ 14.3mi

Distance to Los Angeles

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Los Angeles

🚲 30+min

Est. Bike ride to Los Angeles

πŸš— 29min

Est. Drive to Los Angeles

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A lot of students choose this apartment complex because it's not super pricey and the neighborhood isn't terrible. Unfortunately, if you leave anything outside it will be stolen. Some of the neighbors in the adjacent complex have LOUD children who play in the driveway and will throw their balls at your car. The laundry room is shared with the same complex and there are only 2 washers and 2 dryers. Most of the other tenants are aholes and will leave their laundry in the machines while they go chain smoke and watch soap operas. DO NOT RENT A LOWER UNIT! The floors are old and creak whenever someone walks, and if you're unlucky, you'll end up with the busted Armenian b*tch as your upstairs neighbor. She sounds like a minotaur when she tromps through the apartment. She gets home late and she will keep you up late when she brings home greasy dudes from the bar to bone. Everyone in the complex owns at least one cat, and a lot of them are indoor/outdoor cats. The cats will pee on your door and poop on your patio. The stench is unbearable. The parking situation sucks, as you also share the lot/driveway with the other complex. The landlord is a jerk who will cuss you out if you don't park exactly how he wants you to (which changes from day to day). He's a cheapskate and will do anything to cut corners. He will constantly fail to give notice that he wants to enter your apartment, and he will blame you for anything that needs to be fixed. One of the downstairs neighbors is a hoarder and his apartment reeks, as does this old cat lady who chain smokes. The smell of her cigarettes seeps through the walls and you will smell it. Basically, save yourself some cash and annoyance and rent elsewhere. Most of the cool neighbors have moved and everyone else is either a loud dbag or stinks up the place. I rented from fall 10 through fall 11. ...

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