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Courtyard ApartmentWrite a Review

5325 Cartwright Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601

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πŸŽ“   7mi to UCLA

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Location Details

πŸ“ 5325 Cartwright Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601

πŸŽ“ 7mi

Distance to UCLA

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to UCLA

🚲 21min

Est. Bike ride to UCLA

πŸš— 14min

Est. Drive to UCLA

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Bruins, from the bottom of my heart, STAY AWAY from here if you want an enjoyable, stress-free apartment life experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sharing my experience here and wish that no other Bruins need to go through this nightmare. Dishonest landlord without any integrity. When we first signed the contract, the landlord promised that kitchen tiles will be changed and hot water cost is covered. After we signed the contract, all promises were thrown out of the window. We still have e-mail records and solid evidence about their promises. Later on we found out why they lied to us, it's because the apartment uses electricity to boil water instead of gas, so be prepared to add an extra hundred dollars each month for electricity compared to other students in the area. They do not want people to know this. They also have a habit of trespassing into people's apartments without prior notices. The management basically just give you lies blatantly to trick you to sign a contract, then you are stuck. There are so many problems with our apartment, leaky pipes, mold in kitchen cabinets resulted from leaking pipes, closet doors that don't close, window blinds that are falling apart, windows that don't open, pests such as silverfish from rotting wood, doors that cannot close, etc. There are certain problems which are quite serious, such as the heeling of kitchen tiles. If I go and cook, I can easily trip on the uneven tiles and fall onto the stove with fire and hot items. I have expressed my concern for safety for more than half a year, but again my requests are ignored. I have seen cockroaches and mice around the apartment complex, although I kept my apartment clean, cockroaches are just a big issue here. Luckily the mice have not been able to get so far. I just cannot include all of problems with the apartment here. Called and sent e-mails to the management to fix these issues since the beginning of the lease, and almost all problems are ignored. At the end I needed to file complaints at LA Housing Department and LA Department of Health to get a little response, and they did not address the issues until 2 weeks before the end of our tenancy. Even until now, the issues are still existing and I am moving in several days. The only thing that they care is just collecting rent. My roommate and I are responsible tenants, we paid rent in full and on-time every month. Recently, we found that the landlord is using excuses to try to take away our deposits. They made claims saying that we had bounced/returned checks in the past and gave us penalties. But according to our bank statements/records, all transactions went through without problems. When we explained to them, they didn't care, they just wanted the money. After the end of our tenancy, we may still need to fight for a full refund of our deposits, and might possibly need to go to court. I rented from fall '09 through summer 10. ...

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