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Midvale Plaza IiWrite a Review

527 Midvale Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024

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πŸŽ“   0.5mi to UCLA

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πŸ“ 527 Midvale Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024

πŸŽ“ 0.5mi

Distance to UCLA

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 8min

EST. Walk to UCLA

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to UCLA

πŸš— 1min

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This place is just way overpriced. You get basically no service as you would expect from an apt advertised as "luxury". The pool is actually the size of a jacuzzi. The laundry room is nowhere cleaner than a commercial washer house on the streets. Plus this building is filled with hundreds of students, and you would just need to imagine what happens on Friday nights. Loud music and screaming from everywhere in the building every week. The manager down there actually REFUSED to do anything about it - they wouldn't even attempt asking people to quiet down. (It's in the lease: silent hours between 10pm-8am). For this price it is much better to go live in the dorms instead. At least you get three meals a day and all utilities included. I rented from fall 10 through spring 11. ...


Way, way overpriced for the average apartment and service that you get. Charge additional monthly fee for parking ($125). Have to pay water/trash/pest control/sewer (which, despite being told that it would be $20 a month, actually is $40 a month), and no other apartment building charges for this. One or both elevators have been broken 19 days so far this year (as of 06/12/07). 100 residents, 1 elevator and 7 floors of parking and apartments means waiting 10 minutes for an elevator. The "free T-1" internet basically does not work between the hours of 5 PM and 1 AM because everyone is online, and they refuse to do anything about it. The hallway carpets and dirty and stained. I'm told some of the washers and dryers do not work and the pool has been closed for a period of time this year. I wouldn't mind the cost if we actually got a luxury apartment building, but clearly this is not one. Additionally, Jorge (the manager) is rude, unprofessional and immature. He has lied to me on several occassions, including while I was signing the lease. Do not rent here! I rented from summer '06 through summer '07. ...

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