Do not be fooled by the staff at De Vida. The initial semi-professionalism is only there until you sign the lease. I was there for over 3 years and never once felt safe. First item: the manager rents to criminals. Almost one weekend per month, I
witnessed the local police with guns drawn, approach a neighbors door, extract a new tenant, and remove him to jail, never to return. The tenant screening is very poor. Second, the owner is also a bit of a peeping tom. He will wander up and down the sidewalk and pry into your personal affairs. The hardest part is moving out. The owner/mgr will do everything they can to keep the full deposit, even crafting fictional stories and events and writing insane letters to you accusing you of things you could not have possibly done. Third, the environment is nasty dirty, the trash bins are almost never emptied until the spillage flows into the driveway.
I rented from spring '06 through spring '08.