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Candlewood ApartmentsWrite a Review

3635 Van Teylingen Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80917

πŸ›Œ  1
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   4.9mi to Colorado Springs

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedroom


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to Colorado Springs

Location Details

πŸ“ 3635 Van Teylingen Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80917

πŸŽ“ 4.9mi

Distance to Colorado Springs

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Colorado Springs

🚲 15min

Est. Bike ride to Colorado Springs

πŸš— 10min

Est. Drive to Colorado Springs

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Current Resident

If you have any kind of emotional or mental challenges, this is not the place for you! The main office woman is condescending, judgmental and downright rude. She does not provide any sort of professionalism nor patience and she acts like she is better than everyone else. She is lazy and can't even be bothered to explain current rental procedures without getting upset and raising her voice and acting like she's too important to bother doing her job properly. Even if you live here for years and stay quiet and don't even ask for maintenance requests when you should, you still get treated like trash. She would rather have a high turnover rate of drug dealers and thieves as tenants because they don't ask questions. Do yourself a favor and don't live here. ...


Current Resident

The cleaning crew and maintenance crew are very nice people but they are overworked and treated poorly. The office receptionist Kaylooni is a pretentious snob who talks down to her tenants and yells at them when they ask her anything. She makes it nearly impossible to communicate about simple matters due to her hostility and inability to simply listen. Don't bother going to her for information nor explanation about anything because she'll just complain about having to do her job, even though she doesn't even do it well. Troy is the only person in that office worth even attempting to talk to without risk of rudeness or immature retaliation or judgement. Candlewood allows homeless to accumulate and reside in the stairwells and hallways of the apartment buildings. They offer no security, no on site in person assistance with anything, and Kaylooni is completely useless unless you want someone to make you feel like a fool for living at Candlewood in the Hood. This place is pathetic, don't waste your time. ...


Current Resident

The cleaning crew and maintenance crew are very nice people but they are overworked and treated poorly. The office receptionist Kaylooni is a pretentious snob who talks down to her tenants and yells at them when they ask her anything. She makes it nearly impossible to communicate about simple matters due to her hostility and inability to simply listen. Don't bother going to her for information nor explanation about anything because she'll just complain about having to do her job, even though she doesn't even do it well. Troy is the only person in that office worth even attempting to talk to without risk of rudeness or immature retaliation or judgement. Candlewood allows homeless to accumulate and reside in the stairwells and hallways of the apartment buildings. They offer no security, no on site in person assistance with anything, and Kaylooni is completely useless unless you want someone to make you feel like a fool for living at Candlewood in the Hood. This place is pathetic, don't waste your time. ...

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