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Tollgate Creek ApartmentsWrite a Review

15403 East First Avenue Aurora, Aurora, CO 80011

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πŸŽ“   7.4mi to Denver

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πŸ“ 15403 East First Avenue Aurora, Aurora, CO 80011

πŸŽ“ 7.4mi

Distance to Denver

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Denver

🚲 22min

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πŸš— 15min

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My experience at Tollgate Creek has been a freaking nightmare. The entire staff needs to be fired, and here's why: The following is a list of needed repairs in my apartment: 1)Front Door does not latch at all. I must lift the door by it's doorknob in order to lock it. As a result, the doorknob is loose, and the last time it snowed, there was snow coming in through the top between the door and the frame. The threshhold is so warped that wind is whistling through the bottom of the door as well. Response to work order? Yeah, right. one of the office staff promised to have someone fix the door, but so far, no repairs. That was around mid to late January. Gee, hope no one decides to try and burglarize the place. 2) The stopper in one of our bathtubs has broken in the "sealed" position. As a result, the tub will not drain. Period. I have had a work order for this since around October of 2006. We had an inspection around December or January by the maintenance staff, allegedly in preparation for some city inspection. At this completely worthless inspection, I was assured that this would be repaired post haste. HA!!! I've not seen a single maintenance man in this apartment since! 3) The living room window in my apartment STILL will not close properly. This is after maintenance sent a window repairman to replace the window, after, of course, much complaining. When the repairman came he did replace the window, but said that it wasn't going to do a bit of good, because the problem wasn't the window, but the frame itself. He said this with the maintenance man standing right there, who promised to get it done posthaste. Again, HA!!! This, as per usual, has not occurred. I have given up on these people. The staff is unresponsive, incompetent, and indifferent. You know they're lousy when they'll take time out of their day to clip Valentine's Day candy to the resident's doors, but won't be bothered to actually come out and REPAIR something. It took a complaint to the regional manager to get maintenance off it's ass to come remove snow from the sidewalks so it wouldn't turn into ice and people wouldn't break their necks. We will definitely not be renewing our lease. THIS PLACE SUCKS. I rented from summer '06 through summer '07. ...

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