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The Inn at AurariaWrite a Review

1051 14th Street, Denver, CO 80202

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$650 - $950
πŸŽ“   0.7mi to Metropolitan State College of Denver

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Metropolitan State College of Denver

Location Details

πŸ“ 1051 14th Street, Denver, CO 80202

πŸŽ“ 0.7mi

Distance to Metropolitan State College of Denver

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 11min

EST. Walk to Metropolitan State College of Denver

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to Metropolitan State College of Denver

πŸš— 1min

Est. Drive to Metropolitan State College of Denver

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This is one of my worst experiences ever regarding living conditions. I recommend that this place be a last resort for any student. POOR LIVING CONDITIONS FOR THE RENT Every aspect of The Inn at Auraria is overpriced and of poor quality. The parking cost is far too high, and the rent is a waste of money even if you are a millionaire. The apartment furniture, carpet, shower and countertops, are all dirty and in rough condition. The only nice apartments are the ones they show you on the tour. All of the appliances are also outdated and barely functioning. (It takes me about five minutes to microwave water to warm it.) THE MONEY-HUNGRY STAFF The staff is only helpful and welcoming to prospective renters. The management is obvioiusly only concerned with their money rolling in and disregards students' well-being. The "Community Assistants" are neither community oriented or helpful whatsoever. I have not even met mine, and that is not without effort on my part. The staff claims to have a warm community feel, with activities and movie nights, but this is a blatant lie. They do put a movie in the DVD player about once every two months, but only three or four people actually watch it. They are not remotely outgoing and do little to spread the word other than posting a flyer by the elevator. SECURITY IS A JOKE In the year I have been unfortunately residing here, there have been several violent attacks. There have been three or four drug-related attacks involving weapons, hatchets, and lead pipes. The Inn claims to have a secure building with security cameras, but these are only taped and NOT monitored. They also claim to have a policeman patrol the building at night, but I have only seen him once. The staff also lies about having secured entrances, since the front desk staff constantly allows strangers (non-students, without building passes) into the building without question. I have witnessed this hundreds of times over dozens of days. Homeless people often wander in at night and I (fortunately not alone) was forced to wait in the lobby until someone would finally remove him so he wouldn't follow me to my room. PARENTS LOOKING FOR THEIR KIDS If I told my dad the truth about how minimal the security is, heavy the drugs and alcohol are, and careless the staff is he would be livid. None of the residents seem to be school-oriented, and the amount of cocaine use is ridiculous. I feel bad for the parents living outside of Denver who are under the impression that they are providing a good environment for their kids. I rented from fall '09 through spring 10. ...

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