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The Hub ApartmentsWrite a Review

1853 26th St, Boulder, CO 80302

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πŸ“ 1853 26th St, Boulder, CO 80302

πŸŽ“ 0.8mi

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πŸšΆβ€οΈ 12min

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🚲 2min

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πŸš— 2min

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I lived at the HUB for three years and during that time, I experienced a host of issues. 1. I was not given the apartment I was told was mine on arrival date. I had called the previous day and was told everything would be ready. When I arrived, the previous resident had not even moved out. I had to take what was available as I was homeless (one right next the entrance where I had to endure the constant stream of drunken CS students' late night tirades as they returned from their party hopping). 2. Residents are provided an assigned parking place, but they seldom enforced it. They gave violators a 24 hour warning. So I would regulary come home from work to find my space occupied. Also, since only management can call the tow company, you can't even report someone in your space when the office is closed (you can call the after hours number, but they won't call you back for a parking violation). The policy was a joke. After 2.5 years of nagging on my part, they dropped the 24 hour warning, but you still can't get someone towed when the office is closed. But hey, that's only 90% of the week. 3. Residents with dogs failed to pick up after their pets. If you have kids, don't let them play in the back (unless you ENJOY cleaning dog crap off their shoes.) 4. At least once every six months or so, the fire alarm will go off and you will have to stand out in the parking lot while the fire department locates the resident who has burned their dinner. 5. The exercise room is a joke. Three cardio machines (one of which is nearly always non-functional), a broken television (courtesy of CS students expressing their "playful" side), and a low-end weight machine. 6. The pool was often filled with debris, and was not cleaned often enough. 7. A significant portion of the resident population are CSU students, the most of which seem to be well behaved. But every term, there are a handful that think everyone in the complex wants to hear their rendition of Prince's "Purple Rain" at 2 am. The constant smell of vomit in the laundry room trashcan was an added bonus. 8. And then there is this. At the beginning of my third year there, they drew up a renewal for 13 months, but never told me they had added a month (why 13'). I didn't even realize it (and, yes, legally it was my responsibility, but I had had 12 month leases the previous two years and it never occured to me that they would change it). So, when I moved out at 12 months, I thought everything was fine. Now, 9 months later, I get a notice from a collection agency that I owe for the final month. They could have informed me when I gave them an intent to vacate 4 months before the end of the lease that I was trying to leave a month early, but they apparently didn't think it was important. They never even tried to contact me even though they had my contact information AND I had a forward in place (and they new about it when they wrote up the move-out summary 9 days after I left). I was a good tenant. I never paid late and I took care of the place. But that meant nothing to them. I rented from summer '05 through summer '08. ...

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