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The Village at Red ClayWrite a Review

2150 Melson Road, Wilmington, DE 19808

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πŸ“ 2150 Melson Road, Wilmington, DE 19808

πŸŽ“ 6mi

Distance to Delaware

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

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🚲 18min

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πŸš— 12min

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The complex owners will not put any money into repairs or upkeep of buildings or apartments. When something needs repaired the Maintaince men have to steal it from an empty apartment to make repairs because the owners won,t let them buy new parts. The buildings in the newer sector that have 12 apartments in them and only 1 or 2 are rented the rest are gutted. Two of older buildings and a section of a third are burned out but no action is being done to repair them. Drug Dealers are working out of buildings A and B, They don't least an apartment here, They just live with the junkies that live those buildings. The Traffic into and out of those buildings and noise especally after the complex manager leaves keeps people up all night. In addition The junkies that live in those buildings let other Junkies and homeless live in their apartments (up to 10 - 12 people in a one bedroom apartment)( the housing code says no more than 2 people per room)and noise they generate all night because their High or Drunk or they can not get their fix because the dealers won't sell it to them is worse. The vacate apartments also attach Homeless who enter the unlocked or break into the locked empty apartments in the winter they start fires in the tubs or sinks. The tenants in those buildings have to keep running them out of their buildings. The Junkies will walk up to complete strangers (People coming to visit tenants who have nothing to do drugs) and ask them if they have drop they want to sell or if they will give a cigarette. The complex manager wants to get rid of the ones that are housing the dealers and junkies, but her hands are tried by the owners because these people are section 8 or someone has co-signed for their rent each month and they want that money. What do they care they live in north Jersey or New York in a RICH Neiborhood! This has gone from a place you were happy to live in (under old owners) to a place where if tell someone you live here, they ask, why you moved to the gretto (under the current owners). The place is infested with bedbugs, bees and roches. At Night unless your a Dealer or a Junkie you stay in at night unless you have a apartment in newer building with a baloney on the second or third floors and keep your lights out so you aren't seen, but you still go inside when you hear something starting to happen. The only thing new the owners have done is change the name of the complex and installed new signs with the new name. The new Name is, The Creeks at Marshallton (Which show how bright the are since there is only one creek in Marshallton ( Red Clay Creek) and put up signs saying under new management (Same Owners). They did this because the County inspectors are their ass to fix the place up and Tom Gordon (the county exec.) is getting ready have the county take the property from them and close it down and tear it down. Unless the owners of this place open their wallets and start spending the rent money they been collecting to fix this place up I see it gone within the next year or two at the most. ...


I rented from winter '08 through spring '09.


this apartment complex has went so far down hill since 1993,management is poor.there are rouches all over in here,they dont fix problems as they are reported,when its even reported by the county.people outside all hours of the night drinking and playing mexican music,its just awful,there is more about this dump,i could go on and on but what for. I rented from summer '08 through fall '08. ...

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