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Auvers ApartmentsWrite a Review

5800 Auvers Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807

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πŸŽ“   3.6mi to Orlando

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Location Details

πŸ“ 5800 Auvers Blvd, Orlando, FL 32807

πŸŽ“ 3.6mi

Distance to Orlando

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Orlando

🚲 11min

Est. Bike ride to Orlando

πŸš— 7min

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I've been here a year and my lease is about to expire. This place is the worst apartment I've ever lived in. The parking is terrible, and if you try to park on one of the side lots but find there is no parking, there is also no place to turn around so you end up driving in reverse all the way back up the street. They routinely would tell us that people would be coming in to our apartment sometime over the next 2 weeks so move all of our stuff... half the time they never even came. They also just called to tell me 3 weeks before my lease expires that they don't have proof that we have renters insurance and will evict us if we dont provide it before the day is over. They make you provide proof before you move in... there is no way we can be living here if we didn't prove to them we got a years worth almost a year ago. Our air conditioner also sucks and stops working every other day or so.. we figured out that if we throw the circuit breaker on the ac is will come back most of the time. Oh yeah, SOMEONE GOT MURDERED HERE. Also, we got a notice yesterday saying SOMEONE ELSE WAS MUGGED. I assume at GUNPOINT since the thing we got said they were armed, but that's my guess since they didnt say what kind of weapon it was. I rented from winter '06 through winter '07. ...

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