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Park Baldwin PalmsWrite a Review

2250 N Semoran Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32807

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$600 - $1,100
πŸ›Œ  3
πŸ›  1.5
πŸŽ“   3.8mi to Orlando

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to Orlando

Location Details

πŸ“ 2250 N Semoran Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32807

πŸŽ“ 3.8mi

Distance to Orlando

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Orlando

🚲 11min

Est. Bike ride to Orlando

πŸš— 8min

Est. Drive to Orlando

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Over-all it's the worst apartment experience that I've had. I've lived in 3 apartments in Orlando, now 4 since I moved out of that crap hole. Let me tell you, reading the other reviews, none are really exagerations. The management is as nice as can be to get you to move in, once you do... you can forget it. My apartment had the "so-called" renovation. I moved in July of 06. The renovation was some new appliances lamps, counter tops.. nice right? NO, they were so rigged it isn't funny. I had nails sticking out, my carpet edge from the kitchen to the dining room was off the ground 4 inches, so everyone tripped there. When I moved in, they were "remodeling" the weight room. Then all of the sudden it was on fire.. gee how convientent. Now for the remaining year it has been closed down and unavailable. The parking lot has pot holes all over, they fill them in, and then they come back. Never actually fixing the problems, only band-aiding them. This seems very consistant through-out this place. The maintenance guys are nice, but so over worked that you can't rely on them to come back and fix anything they say they will. If they don't fix it right in front of you, don't hold your breath. My AC was broken for the first 6 months of living there, I put in 5 "work orders"... There was a huge pile of mold growing under my kitchen sink. That was the ONLY work order that seemed to be acted on quickly, but here is how they fixed it. A rag to wipe it up and white spray paint to cover up the stains. My roof has stains on it from a leak in the roof. The hot water lasts less than 20 minutes. So hurry if you are going to shower. You can forget two people showering in a row. If you get lucky and your AC works, get ready for a huge electricity bill, the insulation is horrible on this place. My first bill was $400 for 60 days. This was before I realized that my AC never turned off since it wasn't actually working properly. After the 6 months of heat hell, I kept the AC on 82 degrees and my bill was around $130 per month. 82!!! I'm now moved out, and I got a letter about my deposit, they had the nerve to charge me more money, on top of my $250 deposit.. quoting "pet urine" stains. I didn't even have a pet. Let alone any stains. It's probably from one of the leaky roofs. I'm now stuck with a $230 bill that is not worth the trouble fighting. My advice to anyone. The prices may seem nice at first, but it's not worth it. They raise the prices all the time, add misc bills, everything is a hassle. I rented from summer '06 through summer '07. ...

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