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Carlton Arms NorthWrite a Review

6400 Markstown Dr, Tampa, FL 33617

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πŸŽ“   1.8mi to USF

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Location Details

πŸ“ 6400 Markstown Dr, Tampa, FL 33617

πŸŽ“ 1.8mi

Distance to USF

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 27min

EST. Walk to USF

🚲 5min

Est. Bike ride to USF

πŸš— 4min

Est. Drive to USF

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 75/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Carlton Arms North alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Do not live here if you are...... An individual of any form. Individuality is not encouraged by Carlton Arms North and is considered as "not being good for the community" If you have a visitor make sure they don't stay the night or they will consider them an "illegal resident". They take it upon themselves to pry into your personal lives and see fit to come in whenever they want to take pictures of your apartment even if your sleeping... even if you haven't gotten dressed yet... they don't care. They also monitor who comes in to your apartment. They take down the name and destination of anyone coming through that gate because the basic laws of privacy do not apply. Basically they judge you and if they don't like you they'll find someway to get you out. Also, don't live here if you are young or a student. They absolutely despise college students and will blame you for everything wrong that happens in the apartment complex. I look a little unusual and they had a visitor with pink hair who got in an accident and called me assuming it was my friend which i had no idea who she was and it wasn't even near my apartment. Also someones dog pooped outside our building and it got tracked into the hallway and they immediately called me and blamed it on my dog and I wasn't even in town. If you live here you won't feel at home.. or comfortable... or safe. I feel like I'm constantly being watched and i'll get evicted for not dressing right or breathing or something. Now they are just "not renewing our lease....well good for them. Adios This place is good for married people with no social life who are never home. They like those people. So I pose this question to you......What is more important, nice apartments with pretty views or feeling comfortable while you are there? I rented from fall '06 through fall '07. ...


I split the rent with my friend and we had a huge apartment. This is a great location for getting to and from class and it's also close to stores and hang outs, but it's a college pad and it's crazy all night long. It's not as bad as Breckenridge or The Edge because families do live here so you will get some peace. The crime here is very BAD! I've had my car stolen and my apartment broken into in the last year. It's not a bad place, but it is what it is. Get renters insurance and activate your security alarm! I rented from summer '06 through summer '06. ...

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