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Auburn-GlennWrite a Review

49 Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30312

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πŸŽ“   0.8mi to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

Location Details

πŸ“ 49 Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30312

πŸŽ“ 0.8mi

Distance to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 12min

EST. Walk to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

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We'll start off by commenting on the safety of this complex. The very first day we moved here, someone stole our welcome mat. That was about as low and pathetic as one could possible get. Sadly, it got worse. The next day as we were moving our furniture into our apartment, some of our new furniture was stolen right off of the elevator (and that's not it there's more, but we'll get to that soon). To add insult to injury, we informed our management and they were of NO help. We scheduled appointments with them to look at security footage. The first time we scheduled the appointment, they decided to close the office to go on a lunch break instead of keeping the appointment with us. Then when we tried to re-schedule, the manager told us she would just look through the footage for us and get back to us. She NEVER did. It could be worse though...and it DID get worse. People we saw moving out warned us of robberies and car thefts. We were told by several people that many people often broke their leases because it was so unsafe here. Three times the charm. Tonight we were only gone for two hours and we came home to a broken door and a robbed a home. We have only been here for TWO months! Needless to say, we will be LEAVING immediately! Cars are always being broken into here (my fiance's being one of them). The gate closes so slowly that at LEAST two cars are able to follow you in...and they often will, because they WAIT for people to come to open it. There is a BROKEN door in the guest parking area in which non-residents (including THIEVES) use to enter the complex EVERY DAY. Additionally, our refrigerator had pesticides in it that they never cleaned out. Our fridge STINKS from the chemicals! The area is unclean as well. In one of the elevators, everyday there is a new puddle of urine in the corner. Management is slow to respond to complaints (or in our case, they don't respond at all). They are incredibly unprofessional (they are GHETTO, never on time, close tho office early, etc.). I could go on, but I'm sure you have the gist of it. I simply wish we had been warned, which is why I'm taking the time to hopefully provide insight to someone else thinking about moving into this hell hole. PLEASE THINK TWICE BEFORE MOVING HERE! As someone told us the week after we moved here..."I'm getting out now. Oh and trust me...if you stay here, you WILL get robbed!" I rented from fall '06 through winter '07. ...

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