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MAA Centennial ParkWrite a Review

325 Centennial Olympic Park Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

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πŸ›Œ  Studio-3
πŸŽ“   1mi to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸŽ“  Mile to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

Location Details

πŸ“ 325 Centennial Olympic Park Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

πŸŽ“ 1mi

Distance to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 15min

EST. Walk to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

🚲 3min

Est. Bike ride to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 68/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for MAA Centennial Park alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Former Resident

If I could give zero stars I would. I lived there for 4 years, and if you want to ignore the negative reviews don't complain when you find yourself in a similar situation. When I moved here they had 2 stars, I ignored the bad reviews thinking, surely there's difficult people and these are isolated incidents, since they were mainly about the leasing office and management. THEY WERE NOT WRONG. I have never met a more incompentent leasing office than the one at MAA centennial. They lie, leave early whenever they feel like it, lose your papers, lose your leasing contracts, overcharge you, dont keep their appointments with you, and will leave you on read on weeks of emails and not return your calls. Their agent once told me 2 years ago "they have no responsibility to their residents to keep them safe" when I went to complain about the broken gate and broken wide-view mirrow in the garage when a car sped down the ramp and I honked and they threatened to "kill me". This place is a zoo, this is not unusual, the day before I left my upstairs neighbor came rushing down at 9pm to check if we were "ok" (alive) after a loud sound as he seems to have "made a whole in the carpet" that he was worried had killed us. Dont be alarmed at the several shootings at this place. Or the homesless sleeping outside your door (yes this is a "secured" and "locked" building). I wont even go into more details because I would write a thesis on what MAA has done to break my contract and waste my time and money, but you can make the decision to live here if you like living in a complete zoo, want to get shot, want your car broken into, want homeless sleeping outside your door (pictures for proof available), want to reek of marijuana all day, want to not be able to go enjoy the pool you pay $2400 for because of "cocaine parties" and "influencers' doing stripper IG videos. If you want people parking in the space you PAY for, if you want ppl to rent out their appt as AirBNB and have complete strangers roaming around. If you never want to use the amenities you pay for because they're always broken. I guess you can live here if you want to be managed by complete idiots who will make non-stop errors that will cost your pocket and your time. Oh and if you ever have a problem and need to contact corportate, good luck, I have demanded to speak to them for 4 weeks and have yet to hear from them. They will now have no choice but to talk to my lawyer. I will say that MAA has been so negligent I have reported them to the BBB, to which they replied with complete lies and have no proof of, and which I countered with PROOF (like actual documented proof), and will now raise legal action. So if you have the time and money to take them to court I guess you can live here. For MAA's generic response, no I don't need to email you at residentcare@MAA.com, I have done so for 4 weeks and no response. And if management dares to say a single more lie, I will expose publicly the EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT I have with proof of MAA's negligence and now the pathetic attempt to cover up their mistakes for the past 4 years. Try me. Also, Risa and Margate, send me MAA's legal team information, IMMEDIATELY, because I WILL make HR investigate what is going on in that office. You want to repond with lies? I will bring out the RECORDED phone calls and emails. ...


Former Resident

If I could give zero stars I would. I lived there for 4 years, and if you want to ignore the negative reviews don't complain when you find yourself in a similar situation. When I moved here they had 2 stars, I ignored the bad reviews thinking, surely there's difficult people and these are isolated incidents, since they were mainly about the leasing office and management. THEY WERE NOT WRONG. I have never met a more incompentent leasing office than the one at MAA centennial. They lie, leave early whenever they feel like it, lose your papers, lose your leasing contracts, overcharge you, dont keep their appointments with you, and will leave you on read on weeks of emails and not return your calls. Their agent once told me 2 years ago "they have no responsibility to their residents to keep them safe" when I went to complain about the broken gate and broken wide-view mirrow in the garage when a car sped down the ramp and I honked and they threatened to "kill me". This place is a zoo, this is not unusual, the day before I left my upstairs neighbor came rushing down at 9pm to check if we were "ok" (alive) after a loud sound as he seems to have "made a whole in the carpet" that he was worried had killed us. Dont be alarmed at the several shootings at this place. Or the homesless sleeping outside your door (yes this is a "secured" and "locked" building). I wont even go into more details because I would write a thesis on what MAA has done to break my contract and waste my time and money, but you can make the decision to live here if you like living in a complete zoo, want to get shot, want your car broken into, want homeless sleeping outside your door (pictures for proof available), want to reek of marijuana all day, want to not be able to go enjoy the pool you pay $2400 for because of "cocaine parties" and "influencers' doing stripper IG videos. If you want people parking in the space you PAY for, if you want ppl to rent out their appt as AirBNB and have complete strangers roaming around. If you never want to use the amenities you pay for because they're always broken. I guess you can live here if you want to be managed by complete idiots who will make non-stop errors that will cost your pocket and your time. Oh and if you ever have a problem and need to contact corportate, good luck, I have demanded to speak to them for 4 weeks and have yet to hear from them. They will now have no choice but to talk to my lawyer. I will say that MAA has been so negligent I have reported them to the BBB, to which they replied with complete lies and have no proof of, and which I countered with PROOF (like actual documented proof), and will now raise legal action. So if you have the time and money to take them to court I guess you can live here. For MAA's generic response, no I don't need to email you at residentcare@MAA.com, I have done so for 4 weeks and no response. And if management dares to say a single more lie, I will expose publicly the EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT I have with proof of MAA's negligence and now the pathetic attempt to cover up their mistakes for the past 4 years. Try me. Also, Risa and Margate, send me MAA's legal team information, IMMEDIATELY, because I WILL make HR investigate what is going on in that office. You want to repond with lies? I will bring out the RECORDED phone calls and emails. ...

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