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Park PlaceWrite a Review

224 South Burrowes St., State College, PA 16801

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πŸŽ“   0.7mi to Penn State

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Location Details

πŸ“ 224 South Burrowes St., State College, PA 16801

πŸŽ“ 0.7mi

Distance to Penn State

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 11min

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🚲 2min

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πŸš— 1min

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NO AC IN THE APARTMENT. DO NOT RENT HERE unless you are certain you do not need air conditioning for 7 months. Rooms are fine, location is fine. Landlord is usually ok, sometimes makes ridiculous requests not in line with the lease agreement. GN tried to replace our 'media table' (aka the table with shelves that the TV and consoles and whatever goes on) in the middle of the lease. The table they attempted to replace it with was way taller, and had no shelves, and the top was smaller. It would not have fit our TV or any of our things. Why they decided they were able to downgrade our furniture during the lease is beyond me. (Technically they were not allowed to do this, as the lease agreement only allows them to replace or repair BROKEN furniture, up to the standard the apartment was when we moved in) The AC debacle only became an issue in the spring, when it was regularly over 84 degrees INSIDE the apartment. This is because the radiators they have installed in the apartments DO NOT STOP outputting heat, regardless of whether the fan control is on. GN has set up an incredibly dumb system for AC/Heat where there is EITHER heat OR AC available in the entire building. Because of this, they are forced by State College ordinance to provide HEAT and ONLY HEAT from Oct 1 to May 15. Yes, there is NO AIR CONDITIONING for the entirety of the spring semester. Technically, they are not lying when they say on the website that Park Place apartments come with individually controlled Heat & AC units. However, the air conditioning is INACCESSIBLE to everyone in the entire building until May 15. This needed to be communicated better with the tenants, as it is very unlikely I would have chosen to live here knowing that there was no ac for 7 months of the lease. We didn't use the heat once over the entire winter because regularly cooking heats the entire apartment by 10 degrees. It was actually so hot all the time that we had the windows open and fans blowing through the entire winter. DO NOT RENT HERE unless you are certain you do not need air conditioning for 7 months. ...

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