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Beech International VillageWrite a Review

1520 Cecil B. Moore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19121

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$785 - $1,300
πŸ›Œ  2
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   0.2mi to Temple

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to Temple

Location Details

πŸ“ 1520 Cecil B. Moore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19121

πŸŽ“ 0.2mi

Distance to Temple

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 3min

EST. Walk to Temple

🚲 1min

Est. Bike ride to Temple

πŸš— 1min

Est. Drive to Temple

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I am going to be completely honest, do not move here unless you: absolutely have to, have no problem being lied to, like shelling out much more money than you should be as a college student, like being a hermit, and appreciate a landlord who speaks to you like you're garbage. Her name is Linda Kromer and she is a terrible person, don't let her fool you. The second she gets your money, she turns into the demon from Hell. I'm speaking from personal experience, I was one of the first people to live there and they used our money to finish building the place. A lot of the things they say will be offered, won't be. First things first, you won't have an oven, a dishwasher, a full sized fridge, a big bed, or granite counters. Don't let them fool you. Laundry is not free like they might tell you it is. It is 1.25 per washing load then 1.25 for drying. You're paying over $785 a month, the least they could give us is free laundry. They do not have events. They leave out candy and chips on the holidays on a table, and those same snacks will be out for three days. Now for the good things, the size of the room is decent. You have a lot of space! They provide you with furniture but it is not attractive and you can't get rid of it. The bed is tiny though, you will roll off sometimes and if you're tall, your feet will hang off. The shower is extremely nice, I will miss the shower. The kitchen is attractive and you can do some things to fix it up and decorate. But like I said, the fridge is not regular sized, it's small and the kitchen is not full. Where your oven should be is three drawers, two that open. There is no dishwasher, and your dining area is an oblong little table that your roommate and yourself will not be able to eat at together, and two small chairs. They both don't fit under the table at the same time. Your roommate and you share everything except for rooms, which is convenient. The televisions in the lounges didn't work and the courtyard was off limits. The place is in a great location, around every food place you can imagine and right next to campus, about 2 and a half blocks off. Don't walk alone and you'll be fine. I met three great girls in the building by knocking on their doors, and all of them have my same complaints. If you think it's going to be like a dorm, you're wrong. No one talks to you, and it is an international building, filled with Chinese and Japanese students and trust me, their food will make you want to leave your room and stay on campus all day. The security personnel, Allied Security, they will do nothing to protect you. And for a few hours a day no one is there. 24 hour security is also another lie. They also raised your rent $35 for absolutely no reason. But other than all that, if you don't mind the charge, go for it. I wouldn't suggest it but if it's for you, go for it. Good luck! ...

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