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The LondonWrite a Review

601 Luther St W, College Station, TX 77840

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πŸŽ“   1.1mi to Texas A&M

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Location Details

πŸ“ 601 Luther St W, College Station, TX 77840

πŸŽ“ 1.1mi

Distance to Texas A&M

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 17min

EST. Walk to Texas A&M

🚲 3min

Est. Bike ride to Texas A&M

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to Texas A&M

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The District is the most poorly managed apartment complex in this town. I would also say that any other property managed by the same company is also terrible, but thank God I never lived in those places. Firstly, they make every resident move in and move out on the same days. This creates a giant cluster-f*** for renters and maintenance staff. Oh yeah and their move-in day always two or three days before the semester begins, so good luck getting settled in before classes start. Also, if you ever have a maintenance problem you have to sign a paper allowing them to enter your apartment even if you aren't there. If you don't sign that line, you don't get the work done. Also, The management don't think it's necessary for renters to pay their utilities directly to the utility company, instead they give you a pretty multi-colored piece of paper with what appears to be a arbitrary number on it. If you want to see a copy of your utility bill from the city, you have to go down to the office where you are treated like you're an A**hole for asking about your bill. Lastly, the appliances in these apartments are total crap. On average I have to put my cloths through the driers here at least twice and on maximum. The buildings themselves are also crap. They are very poorly insulated if they are insulated at all; nothing else explains why a 1300 square foot apartment can have a $312.00 elcetricity bill (in june, while two out three room mates were not even there for two weeks). The paint crews painted my patio door shut and there is paint all over the windows. Lastly, the speed bumps are so tall that they will damage the under side of your car. MGMT has said that they will shave them down and it's been five months and nothing has happened. The internet service here is also terrible. The internet service goes out at least once a week and they are very slow at getting it fixed. This has caused me serious problems with doing homework. I rented from fall 10 through fall 11. ...

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