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1700 Wymount DrWrite a Review

1700 Wymount Dr, Provo, UT 84604

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$500 - $650
πŸŽ“   0.7mi to BYU

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πŸŽ“  Miles to BYU

Location Details

πŸ“ 1700 Wymount Dr, Provo, UT 84604

πŸŽ“ 0.7mi

Distance to BYU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 11min

EST. Walk to BYU

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to BYU

πŸš— 1min

Est. Drive to BYU

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We have lived in South Wymount for 2.5 years and love it! Granted, South Wymount is made of cinderblocks, but it grows on you and now I wouldn't trade it for the paper-thin drywalls provided at other complexes. As far as noise goes: the only times we can hear our neighbors is the occasional rattling of their medicine cabinet in the bathroom, when they are using water, when we are DEAD quiet and they are talking loudly (loud laughter), vacuuming, and if their child is crying very loudly. That's it. And because BYU has quiet hours from 10pm-8am it isn't bad. We've never had issues with noise because of the thick cinderblocks. The grounds crew here does the best job they can. Most, if not all, are hired college students and whenever it snows they come out in the early hours to shovel the major walkways. Maybe they don't trim the bushes as often we residents would like (we've never had an issue, but we live on the third floor) but being on the grounds crew is not the most desirable job anyway so I'm impressed with how short-staffed they are. Also, if you ask about the playgrounds being low on black rubber they'll refill it for you. Every winter they also provide a shovel in every stairwell as well as ice-melt for every handful of buildings so you can put ice melt by your car, etc. I feel safe here, although there was a peeping Tom nearby recently (again, we've lived here for 2.5 years and I've only heard of this once). BYU police patrol at night and respond quickly. Also they installed a new fire alarm system last summer in South Wymount. Neighborhood is awesome! It takes me two minutes to walk to the leasing office, another extra minute to walk to the Health Center and Bus Stop that takes you right to campus. Walking to campus takes about 20 minutes if you have classes in the LSB or BNSN, but to the WILK it is more like 10ish. Wymount has parks and laundry facilities dispersed throughout which I like. There is a multi-purpose building located within the complex and an LDS stake center, auxiliary maintenance, and BYU laundry located next to the complex. Depending on the season Maintenance is good. We've had our pilot light burn out twice since we've lived here and the day we call it in they always fix it the same day. Non-emergency issues take a few extra days but it gets done soon enough. Unfortunately the longest we've had to wait for an issue to be fixed was about 1 month because the Community Aides (like RAs, but not) were putting in lots of work orders because of the annual maintenance and safety inspections. Other than that stuff gets fixed in a week. I love the staff! The housing manager and supervisor are the best. The desk attendants are a little bit harder to swallow since new ones get hired like twice a year, but as college students they do their best. I have gone to them for issues and they've done the best they can. Having said all of this, I do think it depends on what kind of person you are to live in Wymount. Some people are absolutely appalled by living here, most of whom (that I've known) are people that have lived in other married housing before moving here. But as your first married apartment I think this place is great. I would not change where I have lived the past 2.5 years. All utilities are paid in the rent except for electricity (usually around $25 for us), great neighbors (one of which needs to be a BYU student), and caring staff. I rented from fall 2015 through spring 2018. ...


The nice thing about Wymount, is that you don't have to sign a year-long contract, so if you need a place for 6 months, you are fine as long as you turn in a 30 days notice. Maintenance is annoying, and the kitchens are small, but other than that, you get a great deal. I rented from winter '09 through winter 11. ...


I've never had more annoying management with so many rules. The maintenance is always wanting to come in to check something or replace something. Its great of course that they are taking care of the apartments, but they should do a lot of this between tenants. There is very little privacy. I can't tell you how many times maintenance has walked right in while my wife and I were *ahem* busy. I rented from summer '09 through summer 10. ...


We loved living at Wymount! We will be back after a brief leave of absence. Impressed with everything. I rented from winter '07 through fall '08.


I rented from fall '05 through spring '08.


I like living in Wymount. It is great for kids. There is a playground. Laundry room is very clean. Wymount management will fix things pretty quickly. It's small, but it's nice. Great social atmosphere! I rented from spring '07 through winter '08.


I was a missionary when I lived in Wymount, and we had to move apartments. They charged us for the holes in the wall. We were not the ones who put the holes in the was; however, we paid the bill. Be careful when you move in and notice the holes prior to signing any contracts. ...


good for offspring.


Good deal for married housing. Can find cheaper but will probably be in a basement. Don't have to pay for gas, only electricity. I think only buildings 16 and 17 have gas stoves, plus! You get 4 free holes per room, but no one cares. They may be a dollar a hole. I rented from spring '05 through fall '06. ...


It's cheap. There are millions of rules and that's annoying, but the utitilies (excepting electricity) are included, you get a reserved parking spot, and the social atmosphere is good. I rented from fall '05 through spring '06.


You can't put holes in the wall!!! I rented from summer '05 through fall '05.

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