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NorthwoodsWrite a Review

737 E 700 N, Provo, UT 84604

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$125 - $250
πŸ›Œ  4
πŸ›  1.5
πŸŽ“   0.5mi to BYU

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to BYU

Location Details

πŸ“ 737 E 700 N, Provo, UT 84604

πŸŽ“ 0.5mi

Distance to BYU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 8min

EST. Walk to BYU

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to BYU

πŸš— 1min

Est. Drive to BYU

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DO NOT move in with people you don't know. It is tight quarters for roommate issues. We had renovations happening all semester, and we supposedly are having our floors ripped out during finals week. Not pleased at all with that, nor am I particularly pleased by management. The ward is very fun and friendly. You can't beat the location. There was storage space, which was nice. But personally, after 2 years there, I don't know how I stayed as long as I did. I rented from fall 10 through winter 11. ...


The place isn't too clean or large, but it is comfortable. The ward is amazing! The landlords on the other hand are ridiculous. We had issues that we notified them about and 6 months later they got fixed. They were not very prompt at all in fixing the problems. ...


The place is small, not new, not super super clean, but I still really liked it here. The house was cozy and even if you don't move in with people you know, it seems like everyone who lives here is nice so it would work. The ward is soo friendly, although the set-up isn't the same as the big apartment complexes there's some condos and some houses, so everyone in the ward is a bit more split up than in the big complexes. Depending on how many girls have cars, there is usually not enough parking for everyone, but unless you are the last person or second-to-last girl in the complex to come home, you usually have parking. Rent is 270 and utilities are under 20. I rented from fall 10 through winter 11. ...


This was such a fun complex to live in, the ward here is extremely social. It's location is perfect too, it 's so close to school! The rooms are a little bit smaller, but not to the extreme that the other review says. I lived with a couple of friends here and it was great, I never felt like "all the space" was taken. Great management company, always willing to help and very friendly! I never had any problems with my internet..I'd definitely still live here if I hadn't met my husband in the ward! Talk about a dream come true! I rented from fall '09 through winter 11. ...


SMALLEST ROOM EVER!!!!!!!!!!! It drove me crazy because you live with 5 other girls, and there is no where to call your own space! It's even worse if everyone has a boyfriend because not only is your room cramped, but the living room and kitchen are ALWAYS taken. I had fun, because the ward was social and friendly and had a great bishopric. If the apartment would have been bigger it wouldn't have been so bad. It was the worst living space ever!!! I rented from winter '08 through winter '08. ...




Small and cramped. I rented from fall '05 through winter '06.


Not enough parking for tenants, internet service works sporatically

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