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The BerkshireWrite a Review

41 E 400 N #1-10, Provo, UT 84606

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πŸŽ“   0.9mi to BYU

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Location Details

πŸ“ 41 E 400 N #1-10, Provo, UT 84606

πŸŽ“ 0.9mi

Distance to BYU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 14min

EST. Walk to BYU

🚲 3min

Est. Bike ride to BYU

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to BYU

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I dont think these apt. have been cleaned or updated since they were built. Everything is rundown broken and old. I didn't feel safe living there I rented from fall 2017 through summer 2018.


It's a great price, you can't beat $230 a month with utilities and internet included, but the internet company has problems weekly, the parking lot is too small and you have to back out onto the street, and the laundry is $1.25 a load for wash and $1.00 a load for drying. The ward is a great ward, the bishopric is great, but if you are looking for a close-knit ward where everybody lives down the hall from each other, this isn't the one for you. The ward covers about 5 blocks by 4 blocks and a lot of people are graduated or UVSC students. I loved it, but people that depend on their ward for a social life might not. You typically have the apartment to yourself for much of the day, depending on your roommates, and summer is pretty lonely as far as that goes, but nobody relies on roommates for a social life during summertime. The summer downside is that the barbeque place has a dumpster full of meat that bakes in the sun. The Apartments were just bought by the Orem Owlz, so I don't have much of a track record with them, so I can't say how the new landlord is going to be. I rented from fall '05 through fall '07. ...

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