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University VillaWrite a Review

865 N 160 W, Provo, UT 84604

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$220 - $230
πŸ›Œ  3
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   0.8mi to BYU

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πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to BYU

Location Details

πŸ“ 865 N 160 W, Provo, UT 84604

πŸŽ“ 0.8mi

Distance to BYU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 12min

EST. Walk to BYU

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to BYU

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to BYU

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Former Resident

I had a good time at the Univesity Villa. I liked that it had a pool and that it was easy walking distance to campus. The apartments were nice and I enjoyed the atmosphere of the buildings. I would recommend the Villa as a good option for students.


The named changed to Liberty on Freedom. They fixed up the units, but Mangement is terrible. STAY AWAY. Go some place different. I rented from fall 2016 through fall 2016.


I rented from spring 2014 through fall 2015.


Management is the absolute worst!!! the ward is great but I have had SOO many problems and they don't ever do Anything! Rodents, Ants, No hot water, mold! If you like those things... go for it. i guess I rented from fall 2015 through fall 2015.


2014/2015 Apartments are dumpy and poorly maintained. Slow, slow, slow response to issues. Office staff are congenial and likeable. Management is poor, most notibly unfriendly and opportunistic with deposits and fees. A rent check was mailed 1 week before rent due deadline... didn't arrive until after deadline due to Provo Postal delivery. Would not forgo the $25 late fee. Similar practices for end of semester apartment inspections. Integrity and customer service is not found at University Villa. I rented from fall 10 through winter 11. ...


I rented from spring 11 through spring 11.


Had a terrible experience with the landlords. They nickle and dime you, take forever to respond to maintenance requests, and expect an apartment that is decades old to look unlived in for cleaning check. The wards are fantastic, but it is not worth the fight. ...


The management is awful. They take forever to respond to any maintenance requests. They are unhelpful and are basically just slumlords. However the wards are awesome. I stayed there longer than I wanted just because I didn't want to leave the ward.


I actually rented from Spring '12 to Winter '13. Management never fixes stuff and they nickel and dime you. I loved the ward but my apartment had a lot of trouble with management. My roommates kept getting sick and we thought it was mold in the vents but management said mold couldn't grow on metal and didn't inspect the vent. They gave one of my roommates an eviction notice because his rent was 5-10 days late (he had been current on rent other than that.) Basically, my ward was great (in the Cove) but the apartments themselves were kinda ghetto and management is quick to charge you extra but quite slow to fix stuff. Also, they will boot your friends cars if they are there after curfew (they added some signs so this is posted a little more clearly now, but it's still easy to miss.) I rented from spring 10 through winter 11. ...


Management is awful. Our roof leaked and it took forever to get it fixed. They said they'd replace our carpet but never did. The fee for turning in rent late is ridiculous, and they don't give you a reminder before slapping it on. I've lived at places of better quality that were a lot less expensive. However, the people living at University Villa are great! I love my ward, the bishopric, my neighbors. The people are excellent, the apartments are cruddy. And the lady manager down in the office is rude. Also, the price for parking permits is ridiculous. I think it is $60 for a semester, when other places I've lived have free parking for residents. I wouldn't mind paying a little bit, like maybe $20 tops. It's ridiculous to have to pay to park at your own residence. I rented from fall 10 through summer 11. ...


I lived here for 8 months and our roof leaked for 6 of those months. My roommate and I spent several weeks sleeping on the couches in the living room (and had to move all our clothes out there) because the roof leaked and flooded our room, soaked the carpet, and mold grew everywhere. We went to the office to put in a maintenance request about 2-3 times a week. They sent people out about once every 2-3 weeks who would bang on the roof all day with their tools and never actually fix the problem. The maintenance guy, Mike, was really nice and we got to know him pretty well since he was always fixing our heater. The apartment was incredibly drafty. So the leak, mold, draft, and broken heater gave me terrible bronchitis for several weeks. All my roommates and the girls living below us got sick because of the mold growing from the leak. I'm not a high-maintenance person when it comes to apartments. The only other apartment I lived in at BYU was Bountiful Court which has a reputation for being incredibly ghetto and seemed, on the surface, infinitely more ghetto but was wonderful compared to my experience at the Villa. I didn't think the ward was very nice. My roommates were very social people and if anyone could find lots of friends they could but the ward was so clicky, the only people we made friends with were our FHE group. It was really close to campus but I felt like I was putting my life in danger everytime I crossed University Ave. I witnessed a car crash and many near crashes/pedestrian hits while standing at the cross walk waiting to cross the street. Who knows, maybe I just had a bad experience. A lot of my friend ended up staying. I still can't figure out why. I rented from fall '07 through winter '08. ...


Lots of great people there! Sure it's not the newest but life is still good. I rented from fall '09 through summer 10.


Difficult to find parking most evenings during Fall and Winter. Office hours are horrible (10 to 5 pm) at most, and practically aren't open during weekends and holiday weeks. No dishwasher. Thermostat always on the fritz (always too hot or cold). Cabinets are old and have mildew. Don't live in building 11 (the one at the intersection of Freedom Blvd and 960 N). The ward is made of younger guys from University Villa and mostly older girls from Riverside Apartments a five-minute car drive away. The ward is so spread out that ward unity is difficult. A decent option for proximity to campus and reasonable price. The management will nickle and dime you, though. Not recommended. I rented from fall 10 through winter 11. ...


You get what you pay for.


The one benefits of University Villa is that it's pretty close to everything and maintenance is prompt. I like my ward too, but the apartments are pretty crappy. The kitchen is cramped and there's no dishwasher. Our bathroom was gross too. We got black mold on the ceiling and the cabinets were so mildewed we couldn't use them. We also had a pretty bad ant problem for a while and I know that a boys apartment had a bed bug problem. They do nickel and dime you a lot here. They make you pay a fee if you pay rent with a visa card, which is of course what I have. The ladies who work in the office are kind of snotty and the office hours are inconvenient. Also, parking is hard if you come home late. I do, however, like the lounge and the hot tub. I wouldn't recommend living next to the pool because people are always out there it seems like and it can get loud. Also there's a secret-ish sauna in the laundry room that's pretty nice; if it's actually working. I rented from fall 10 through winter '09. ...


Ok place, but the landlords really wants your money. don't plan on getting any of your deposit back. I rented from winter '08 through spring '09.


Cheap but crappy apartments, you get what you pay for, tiny kitchen, uncomfortable couches, bad lighting, etc. Don't live by the pool, you are charged an extra $10 and because the pool is so big there are a lot of weirdos that don't even live there that come and swim. And the hot tub is really noisy almost 24/7. My only real complaint is how the management tries to nickel and dime you constantly, like the $50 processing fee to sign up, communications fees for phone lines that no one uses, fees for failing super anal cleaning checks, etc. And the free internet sucks, slow and works only half the time. Apparently if you pay to upgrade it works great. I rented from spring '08 through summer '08. ...


I really enjoyed living here at the Villa, I thought that the management was great! I just read through what some of the other people said, and I dont know if there used to be different management, but if people are complaining there must have been. I was always able to find a parking spot, no matter what time I came home at. The Villa puts on multiple activities so everyone can get to know each other,(Oktoberfest is a MUST) I thought it was awesome. (guys if you want to be in a ward with your complex don't live in building 11, its where I lived and no one in our complex was in our ward, but it was still a good one) Fall 08 to winter 09, paid 245 a month plus utilities about 20 more a month ...


I dont know what kids are saying about hidden charges. I paid exactly what they said I would, $275 for Fall/Winter. The management was super fast about getting broken things taken care of. The lounge is awesome! Really great ward. The walk is kind of annoying like someone said above, because you do have to walk through the RB etc. Cute girls though! Overall they are decent apartments. I thought Parking was awesome too. I rented from fall '07 through winter '08. ...


New managment makes a huge difference! Ward awesome and it's only 4 girls. Small counter spaces, bathroom counter is pretty small too but overall I'd say it's pretty good. I rented from fall '07 through winter '08.

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