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Seven65 LoftsWrite a Review

765 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84102

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πŸ›Œ  Studio-2
πŸŽ“   0.8mi to University of Utah

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to University of Utah

Location Details

πŸ“ 765 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84102

πŸŽ“ 0.8mi

Distance to University of Utah

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 12min

EST. Walk to University of Utah

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to University of Utah

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to University of Utah

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 59/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Seven65 Lofts alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Current Resident

I've lived here a long time, years. The current employees in the rental office are unhelpful and rude if you're an existing tenant and request assistance. I'm not an angry person but interactions over the last year with the current rental office employees have been horrible. Here are some instances, not exaggerated, so you can decide for yourself: I resigned my lease a few months ago, which I regret. There is a number in the lease for after hours maintenance requests, if a water pipe breaks or your AC/heat is broken on a weekend you can't get it fixed without calling that number. I found out that the number in my recently resigned lease is wrong when my AC went out on a Saturday of a 3 day weekend. I put in online requests and emailed the rental office, to no avail. I looked for a number on their website, nothing. The number provided in my lease was disconnected. It was 100 degrees that weekend and my apartment was 94 degrees at midnight that night so you can imagine how miserable that was. When I finally heard back from the rental office, 3 days later, I received a one line reply stating the correct number to call. I replied and asked how I could have had that number, given that the phone number in the lease, which I recently signed, was different than the number in the (short, unapologetic) email. They replied that a letter was sent out. I asked for a copy of it and my email was ignored. I did not receive a letter updating the after hours maintenance number, to my knowledge. I'm diligent about such things, I know I didn't receive it since I last resigned the lease. So if you're a tenant here and you have a maintenance problem on a weekend, don't assume that the information in the lease is correct. And certainly don't assume you'll be treated with kindness or respect if you try to tell the current office employees about the problem. When I pointed out the potential issue to an office member, her reply was, "I'm not calling everyone to tell them that." Then she stated that the number could be found on their website, (I looked everywhere when my AC was out and could not find it) so I asked her to show it to me and she redirected me to ask her manager, who was absent (because pulling up their website and showing me where the number is located was too much? Or the number's not there.) I just wanted others to not go through what I did, but they don't care. I requested, in person, to have my kitchen faucet tightened as it was literally falling off. Over 2 weeks later and it was not done so I put in a request online. I received an email asking me which apartment I am in (how can you not know or look up which apartment a tenant is in?). It was done that afternoon but a couple weeks later and it's loose again, I won't bother to ask again. My neighbors were smoking weed in their apartment every night for weeks and the smell was extremely strong. I went in to the office and requested something be done, a note or email reminding tenants of the lease, but after 2 requests in person and 1 online nothing was done. I crafted a kind note and put it on all my neighbor's doors the next day and the smell stopped. Apparently asking for something that minor was too much for the office. It took them a month to fix an appliance. They tried 2 times. When I told them it wasn't fixed after the 1st "repair" and then again after the 2nd "repair" (evidence was available that it was not working despite their insistence that it was fixed) they grew angry and were very short/rude with me, (as if it was my problem and I wanted to have a non-functioning appliance that I needed to use every day). After a month they replaced it but being treated with angry words and reactions to my requests to have a functioning appliance was unacceptable. People smoke at the pool even though it's not allowed. I commented on this to the employees in the office and they said signs would be put up. That was about a month ago now, no signs, and people still smoke. So yeah, when you sign to live here expect to be treated with rudeness and/or ignored if you make any requests. ...


Current Resident

The apartments are very cute and well-maintained, and the staff is very helpful. The location is convenient and the price is good. The neighborhood is not necessarily the most wholesome, but I haven't run into any issues.

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