Patti Walker has taken what would be a nice place to live and completely bungled it through her management.
She does not respond in a timely manner to maintenance requests. We had a water heater break down and went THREE days without any hot water.
Patti told us to "just go shower at your neighbor's house".
She does not keep appointments to show the apartment. She will schedule appointments and then show up hours early. This is also on maybe a 1 or 2 hour notice.
She does not take concerns about spiders and insects seriously. Each of my roommates has been bitten by spiders multiple times. We've seen what we think are brown recluse spiders, but she won't spray for them.
Most recently Patti cut off internet access to the entire building with absolutely no advance notice.
I would not recommend anyone live at a place managed by Patti Walker or Walker Apartments unless it is your absolute last resort. She has made living here a nightmare.
I rented from summer 2018 through spring 2019.