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DMZ PropertiesWrite a Review

1663 N prospect ave, milwaukee, WI 53202

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$400 - $600
πŸ›Œ  1
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   1.3mi to MATC

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedroom


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to MATC

Location Details

πŸ“ 1663 N prospect ave, milwaukee, WI 53202

πŸŽ“ 1.3mi

Distance to MATC

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 20min

EST. Walk to MATC

🚲 4min

Est. Bike ride to MATC

πŸš— 3min

Est. Drive to MATC

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I have been here nearly a year, and I have found these to be quite, tiny studios, and perfect for one!. No pets, no roommates. Clean apartments, but nothing special. Smoking is allowed in the building, which I found out after I moved in, but fortunately I never smell it within my apartment, only when I step out. Parking available around the building. ...


This apartment was horrible! This was my first apartment that I moved into after i moved out of my parents house and now i will always do my research before i move! First, I feared for my safety NUMEROUS times. The front lobby is not locked so homeless people sleep in there. They sleep on the stair case so you cant get down unless you bend over and wake them up. One night, I had a man follow me from the door to my car and RUN AFTER ME. I called to police and had them escort me back to my apartment. The mailboxes are in the unlocked front lobby, Numerous times, I have had my mailbox lock broken into and had my Netflix stolen out of it! (trust me, the people at netflix dont buy that story more than one time) I was constantly hearing knocks on my door only to find that it was one of my creepy neighbors, one who liked to ask me out or ask to come in (and is about 30 years older than me) or he would follow me out of the building to where i was going. and another neighbor who would leave random objects (christmas trees, bicycles, reclining chairs, huge light up sculputers) in the hallway blocking the exit (NOT FIRE SAFE) The building manager, an older man, would constantly come into my apartment without notice. A few times he has walked in on me naked, or came in while i was sleeping or in the shower. One day, i got home from work, and he was in my bathroom GOING POTTY!!!! (with the door wide open, i might add) Downstairs there was a storage locker that I kept clothes i didnt wear, extra blankets, and other objects that i didnt have room to store in my apartment. A water pipe BURSTED down there and everything was flooded. Friends of mine who lived in the building were notified, i was not. When i went down there to clean out my stuff, everything was moldy and smelly (including a kitchen table i had from my grandmother) I had to throw away the majority of the stuff because it did not come out from washing, scrubbing or disinfecting. For the first six months I lived there, I did not have a working refrigerator! I was living on resturant, canned and boxed foods! (not healthy or cheap!) The landlords told me many times that they were looking for one but it needed to go on sale at the store. Finally, after i told her that i would stop paying rent unless she gave me one, she got me one from another apartment (when half of them are empty....couldnt she have done this to begin with?) the freezer didn't work.....but oh well, I got one, right? All was well for about two months, untill one night i was woken up from something tickleing me. I turned on the light and couldnt find anything. so i layed back down and saw a HUGE BUG CRAWL ACROSS ME! I killed the bug (with lysol) until that same night i saw about 10 more of those bugs, I killed the majority of them and saved them for my landlord to see. Sure enough, COCKROACHES! Her response? "try cleaning underneath your sink" (my apartment was not dirty, i had friends that lived in the building and they got them too!) I had to move to my parents house(while i was still paying rent) because i will NOT live in a cockroach infested apartment....after about a month and a 1/2 of living at my parents house (an HOUR away from school and work) the cockroaches were gone in just enough time to for my lease to be over so I could PACK MY STUFF UP AND LEAVE!!!! PLEASE DO NOT RENT HERE! IT WILL BE THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE! I rented from winter '06 through fall '06. ...

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