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The ProspectiveWrite a Review

1933 N Prospect ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202

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$515 - $615
πŸ›Œ  2
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   1.6mi to MATC

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to MATC

Location Details

πŸ“ 1933 N Prospect ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202

πŸŽ“ 1.6mi

Distance to MATC

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 24min

EST. Walk to MATC

🚲 5min

Est. Bike ride to MATC

πŸš— 3min

Est. Drive to MATC

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I hate this place. The only reason I moved in here was because it had many things included and I needed a place. First off, Emily the landlord is a huge nasty bitch. She doesn't respond to emails or phone calls. She may the first time, but after that forget it. The internet sucks and breaks all the time. You have to turn off half of your appliances if you are blow drying your hair...ESPECIALLY IF THE AC IS ON. They don't even tell you where the fuse is, but it's in the garage which is gross and scary. There was a registered sex offender here, people with mental health issues, a man with a voicebox who was mean, and very few younger people. Emily apparently let homeless people stay in vacant rooms as well. She also kicked out people based on their skin color and other issues, but never once did she actually try to help people. The first two months they never came to put up my smoke detectors or fix the burners on my stove. Then there was a HUGE leak in my hallway that all the water collected into the light fixture and prior to that it was causing the door frame to deteriorate and mold. The neighbors were RUDE. I could hear them having sex all night. They would scream and yell so loud that it would wake me up. I banged on the door and the wall and even through shoes at it, but they didn't care. There was also a wanted fugitive by the federal marshall who was using the apartments address and apparently was staying there for some time as well. Emily didn't do anything for this apartment. It always smelled bad all throughout the building. She was rude. I never saw maintenance, either. TERRIBLE SERVICE. I rented from summer 10 through summer 11. ...


First off. On moving in there was a lot of stuff that they KNEW was wrong with the place so I moved in and they told me it would all get fixed. GUESS WHAT! When I moved out they still had not fixed anything... And when they actually did come to fix something (there were exposed wires in my bathroom and my cat wanted to chew on them so I said it was an emergency) they would come right at like 8 a.m. and some foreign guy would knock on the door once and then walk in. On two seperate occasions I came home to water coming out of a vent on my wall that had flooded my bathroom. They say the apartments are 470 square feet... a small 470. The Studio apartments are pretty much the same size, but dont have a wall seperating the bedroom from everything else (so you pay $100 more for a wall). All electrical wires are connected to a single cirrcut in the garage. So when you have 2 lights on, and the microwave and maybe a TV on your power goes out and you have to unlock 2 doors to get into the garage in order to flip the switch. Parking was horable. $100 a month for a "safe place"... There were 2 break-ins in the first couple months I lived there. There was no lock on the door directly from the garage to the building and then an elevator and then another unlocked door to get into the stairs. Then to get to the hall way on any levle there was another locked door. So if someone got in the garage all they would have to do was take the elevator and they were in since there were no locked dooors... So then they put a lock on the door. So to get inside the garage from your apartment you go through a door, then through 2 locked doors. (Or the elevator and one locked door) I dont know it was just waaay messed up and inconvenient. They say they have storage area, but I never found an open storage locker for my stuff and the ones they had were TINY. The place is a dump and had a really bad ant problem I had ants in early March... and i clean daily because my cat is alergic to dust... It also smelt REALLY BAD. I lived by the door and could hear everyone coming in and out of the door and walking through the hall. Seriously I could hear people at the END of the hall. You can hear people going to the bathroom or talking perfectly clear like you were standing right next to them. Oh and the homeless people! You hear them going through your trash at every hour of the day. Worst place I ever lived. From the moment I moved in I was excited to move out. I would have rather lived in a dorm with some stranger again than live there. The only plus side was the free internet and cable. Which they promised me a month after I moved in... But did not get it until 4 months later and the internet cut out all the time. Waste of money. OH and they charged $25 a month for a cat. So I paid $700 a month for a 475 sq ft apartment... and then rates went up for both rent and parking... so it would have been $750 a month. What surprises me is they actually rented out my apartment when I left. I rented from spring '07 through summer '08. ...

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