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Alpine ApartmentsWrite a Review

5210 Mockingbird Drive, Anchorage, AK 99507

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πŸŽ“   5.1mi to Anchorage

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Location Details

πŸ“ 5210 Mockingbird Drive, Anchorage, AK 99507

πŸŽ“ 5.1mi

Distance to Anchorage

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Anchorage

🚲 15min

Est. Bike ride to Anchorage

πŸš— 10min

Est. Drive to Anchorage

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this is the worst appartments ever. i worked for them first hand so i would know. jamie like to talk shit about everyone who walkes in the office along with the rest of the staff there as long as you don't look like them. they try not to rent to people who look like trouble makers. such as ppl who look like they party or not high class. i worked for them for 6 months i started when jamie started so i got to see what kind of manager she is. jamie trys to act like a friend to your face along with the rest of the staff ( shea and alissa) but as soon as you leave the office there talking all sorts of shit behind your back. and they love to raise rent. so if you want to have fun but they really do suck!! I rented from winter '08 through spring '08. ...

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