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Garvey West ApartmentsWrite a Review

1611/1613 Garvey Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803

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🎓   1.4mi to CSULA

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🛌   Bedrooms


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🎓  Miles to CSULA

Location Details

📍 1611/1613 Garvey Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803

🎓 1.4mi

Distance to CSULA

🚶‍️ 21min

EST. Walk to CSULA

🚲 4min

Est. Bike ride to CSULA

🚗 3min

Est. Drive to CSULA

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Finally got my deposit back so I’m ready to let it all out. Where to start? Cons: -Management is ridiculous. We asked him to fix several things (hallway closet, window screens, door, their electric stove, etc) and nothing got done. The only thing he fixed right away was the toilet. My window seal was broken so big bugs were always coming into my room. His way of “fixing” it was putting tape on it, which later came off because tape doesn’t withstand climate change. -Mice. We had a mouse problem, we think mice but we only saw one. Told the manager about it, he didn’t do anything; he just gave us suggestions. We did what he told us, and the mouse still returned. Told him again and said that we shouldn’t clean the cabinet it was staying in because it would get scared. He then told me that our neighbor had a mouse problem, he had a mouse problem, and someone else in the apartment building was having a mouse problem. That’s why he couldn’t give me poison. -Unhelpful Landlords. We complained to her about the manager, she tried to turn my roommate and I against each other saying that we both had different stories even though we both said the manager didn’t do anything. We told her that we’d be more than happy to show her that the manager hasn’t done anything, but she didn’t take us up on our offer. -Pool area not well maintained. Well there goes their pro. The pool was constantly dirty. It was worse in the wintertime. I over heard the manager telling a tenant that he refused to clean the pool after summer, even though it was still September and still 90 – 100 degrees outside. There’s no cleaning system in the pool. The chairs and tables are being eaten up by rust. The wood to the pool deck (I think that’s what you call it) is deteriorating. -Laundry room. The laundry room is expensive. The washer and dryer look like 1970s washer and dryer. My white clothes always got some sort of dark yellow stain after being washed. The dryer cost 75 cents and couldn’t dry for sh@*. -Rent. The cost of rent there is sooooo not worth it. Our rent was cheap because we lived there for a long time, but if you want to rent a two bedroom one bath apartment it’s $1375 (according to someone who was checking the apartment out). We asked why they were going to be charged so much, and she said that the manager had said that it was because it had a view. Our response: “WHAT VIEW?” My cousin has a friend that lives in another apartment there. My cousin’s friend wanted to move downstairs, but the manager said that if she did she would have to pay more because it was downstairs. I guess you pay extra for mice? They’re probably considered the mouse extra person (They charge $100 more for rent if there’s an extra person) After all this, my roommates and I finally decided to move out. Our rent is cheaper now and we’re living free of bugs, mice, and we’re saving money on laundry. I rented from summer '04 through winter '07. ...

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