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Huntington VillasWrite a Review

16761 Viewpoint Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

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πŸŽ“   8.3mi to Chapman

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Location Details

πŸ“ 16761 Viewpoint Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

πŸŽ“ 8.3mi

Distance to Chapman

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Chapman

🚲 25min

Est. Bike ride to Chapman

πŸš— 17min

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This place is HORRIBLE!!! Maintanence will get around to fixing your problems whenever they feel like it and will inconvenience you as much as they want. I missed an entire day of work because my garage door wasn't working and I couldn't get anyone to come and open it for me. It took them over a week before they fixed the garbage disposal. They don't listen to you when you request that maintanence not enter you apartment unless someone is home. Whenever I've called the office for any reason, I'm usually greeted then ignored or spoken to rudely by the young idiot kids that work there. They don't take complaints seriously and are ridiculously unorganized. This is a party complex, which is fine on Fridays and Saturdays, but when you end up having to call the police on a Tuesday night at 3am because security has ignored your calls THREE times, that is RIDICULOUS! The noise is out of control on weeknights!!! Security is very bad here also. They don't respond to complaints, only what they see or hear when they *sometimes* patrol the complex. They come and nag us when my roommate are outside talking at 9pm, but not the drug dealer/users and partiers across the way. They weren't present when our complex was vandalized either. So what good are they? Parking is an issue too. I paid for an extra parking spot and they threatened to tow the car because it wasn't moved for 72 hours. They didn't bother to call, they were just going to tow it...if they bothered to call, they might have learned that the car hadn't been moved for 3 days because the OWNER WAS OUT OF TOWN!!! Once again, DON'T RENT HERE!!! It's overpriced for an apartment that isn't all that great and you don't at all get what you paid for. If you rent here, you're a moron. I rented from summer '06 through summer '07. ...

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