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Cambridge Place ApartmentsWrite a Review

1260 S. Bellaire St., Denver, CO 80246

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πŸŽ“   13.4mi to Aurora

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Location Details

πŸ“ 1260 S. Bellaire St., Denver, CO 80246

πŸŽ“ 13.4mi

Distance to Aurora

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Aurora

🚲 30+min

Est. Bike ride to Aurora

πŸš— 27min

Est. Drive to Aurora

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This complex looked promising when I signed my lease with new management. However, I have had to deal with bed bugs, hidden utility costs, drunk neighbors (on a daily basis), dog crap everywhere, the smell of pot in the hallways, our water being shut off continually, and solicitors at my door. When I have had an issue I have been treated rudely by management and they do nothing to try and rectify the situation. They keep the attitude "oh well, not my problem." I have been yelled at by maintainence staff when there were mice in my apartment (I did not cause the mice, as I am a clean freak). We went without hot water for a week, have had the water shut off completely for 6 hour periods about 5 or 6 times, and I have had to have pest control come 4 times to spray for bed bugs. While standing there covered in bed bug bites and without water, I was offered no apologies, assistance, reduced rent, or any other curteous behavior. I am writing this review because I was just hit with a $150 electric bill on top of the $40+ I pay per month for "gas". I live in a 450 sq. foot studio and pay close to $70/month for utilities. The walls are paper thin and I can hear EVERYTHING going on with my neighbors. The security door did not lock for the first few months I lived here, meaning anyone could walk in. The glass front door to our building has been shattered 3 times since July 2009. I do not feel safe or comfortable living at Cambridge Place Apartments. I STRONGLY suggest that you do not move into this complex and steer your friends and family clear. I rented from winter '09 through fall '09. ...

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