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Lake Ivanhoe ShoresWrite a Review

1730 Gurtler Ct, Orlando, FL 32804

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πŸŽ“   1.6mi to Fortis College-Winter Park

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Fortis College-Winter Park

Location Details

πŸ“ 1730 Gurtler Ct, Orlando, FL 32804

πŸŽ“ 1.6mi

Distance to Fortis College-Winter Park

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 24min

EST. Walk to Fortis College-Winter Park

🚲 5min

Est. Bike ride to Fortis College-Winter Park

πŸš— 3min

Est. Drive to Fortis College-Winter Park

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Older than dirt, but not as clean as dirt.ceilings constantly leak and are patched slapdash, and apparently they hire one poor old man to do everything. He walks in while he's knocking, so it's best to stay clothed at all times. Both complexes are graffic nightmares, and parking is extremely limited. A new highway now runs right outside of the bedroom windows. The kitchen and bathrooms are miniscule and OLD AS FUNK! Cheap appliances that are usually broken or wearing a temporary fix until the budget will allow a new $5.00 replacement that you will wait three or four months for, so don't count on a dishwasher. Neighborhood used to be filled with rats, but now the hundreds of feral cats have replaced them. Hirricane repairs take years, and no matter how long you live there, new paint or carpet is never an option. Rent includes a TINY swampy pool two blocks away at another complex. Don't get your hopes though. In spite of a regulation of "no glass bottles in the pool area", a glass picnic table was placed poolside that was promptly thrown into the pool and shattered, rendering the pool closed for most of the summer. Plan on also cleaning it before you use it as well. Roaches are an issue, and insulation is non-existant, so the electric bill is $200/ mo. Also, your rent WILL go up every year, no matter what they tell you. They lie about the next year's rent every single year. Talk to the tenants, they will verify all of these things. I rented from fall 2011 through fall 2017. ...


The rent keeps increasing but management fails to offer anything in exhange for all the new $$ we are paying. The owners are apparently just using the complex as a cash cow and the property manager will take every opportunity to squeeze a dime out of you. It's a shame, because the place has loads of charm and the neighbors for the most part are great. ...

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