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Riverwind Apartments at Alafaya Trail LtdWrite a Review

100 Riverwind Way, Oviedo, FL 32765

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πŸŽ“   7.8mi to Orlando

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Location Details

πŸ“ 100 Riverwind Way, Oviedo, FL 32765

πŸŽ“ 7.8mi

Distance to Orlando

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Orlando

🚲 23min

Est. Bike ride to Orlando

πŸš— 16min

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This place is horrible, stay away. Within the first day of moving in, I had to call maintenance to come fix the A/C because it had broken. They "fixed" it. Two days later, it overflowed water into the living room and flooded the common area. The flooding ALSO affected the electrical wiring in the kitchen which ended up frying all of them. After this day, the AC will never turn off and doesn't cool our apartment much at all. This causes HUGE overages every month which they claim is all us. Even when no one is home over a break for a month or more we get overages of around $80. We even unplugged everything of ours over the breaks and still, the overages are at minimum $80. We call maintenance to fix the AC because it is obviously a defective unit, but the last time they came to my apartment, they almost broke it by shoving a block of wood under the piping. At least they managed to see it wasn't going to fit after I said something and that kept them from completely breaking it. They probably would have blamed me if it broke by saying I didn't warn them it wouldn't fit. Huge overages/malfunctioning appliances and mean/incompetant management are negatives that ensure I will never suggest anyone live here. The room sizes are adequate and the furniture is decent (nothing special, but it was in good condition). The parking is horrible, if you drive home past 8pm, you will have trouble finding a parking spot. The security gate has never worked (even though they told me it was going to be fixed.) The hot tub does not heat and is not clean. The management/employees will come into your apartment for reasons other than those listed in the lease which is very sketchy. They even came into our apartment to slide advertisements under our door. How pathetic can you get? This apartment complex is a complete joke and you need to stay away. I rented from fall '08 through summer '09. ...


The only thing I can say good about this apartment was the location. My within the first week of having it was backed into and shot with a BB gun. (I'm assuming thats what the small BB-sized dent above the passenger door is from.) The gate is a joke, never has worked, and neither do the "security" cameras. They have trees growing over them. The landlord is a joke. She is convinced because it is a college student that we're all idiots. Anything that breaks, or any complaints we have, are our problem. Like for example, after moving in (about a week later) I noticed the microwave was broken. So I put in a call for maintenance. Well, the microwave was over 5 years old and hangs over the stove. They had said it was full of grease and thats why it wouldn't run. So obviously (at least it was to me, the "stupid college student") the oil and grease from cooking on the stove got into the microwave over the last 5 years and was built up. Normal wear and tear right? Nope. Apparently we dumped oil into the microwave. Inside the damn thing, where all the wiring is. They charged us for a new one. And when I went to protest this they had thrown the microwave out, basically destroying evidence I was going to use against them. There was absolutely no oil any where else in the microwave area. (I showed them the top of the holder for the microwave saying if we split oil, don't cha think there would be some here? Nothing, just a film of dust.) We ended up having to pay late fees on it, because it took so long to realize I was getting no where with these people. They are greedy, and terrible with people. They are going to be charging $605 for a single room in a 4/4 apartment. Ridiculous! Thats $2420 all together for just a month!! If you have 3 other people looking into getting a place, you could get yourselves a house for around half that price. I totally do NOT recommend this place. STAY AWAY! I rented from fall '07 through summer '08. ...

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