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University VilliageWrite a Review

111 W. 7th S., Rexburg, ID 83440

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$585 - $800
πŸ›Œ  3
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   0.9mi to BYU Idaho

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to BYU Idaho

Location Details

πŸ“ 111 W. 7th S., Rexburg, ID 83440

πŸŽ“ 0.9mi

Distance to BYU Idaho

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 14min

EST. Walk to BYU Idaho

🚲 3min

Est. Bike ride to BYU Idaho

πŸš— 2min

Est. Drive to BYU Idaho

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we lived in the 2 bedroom flat. So we lived here as newly weds, at first i was extremely excited to live here. I mean i still think it's a great place to live, the BEST things: Shower NEVER runs out of hot water. Some cons: The bedroom is un-neccesarily big leaving the living room a bit lacking. Right when you walked into the living room it was BAM couch. But the master bedroom DOES have amazing closet space, you should see it for yourself. There is a big walk in pantry in the living room for food storage and what ever else you may need to store. Everything comes with your rent though, which is a great perk. The heater works great, there is NO a/c. We were always warm, even in the winter! A huge downfall is- you have washer and dryer hookups, but sorry, does not come with washer and dryer. It's almost like a tease. No microwave. Not a big deal. But other apartment complexes do come with those things for the same price or less. The parking was annoying, there's barely any spots to park in. And if there is, you have to park a long way away from your apartment. Another huge downside to me, sure...it's "close" to campus, but having to walk to class and back was rediculous, considering the complex was on the top of a hill. So walking too and fro everyday was a bare! The wind is chilling. It was the worst. You better have your own car if you live here. A bike doesn't really do! Ok so in conclusion, here's why i'm never coming back. The price is rediculous - and they are raising it another 100 this semester!! we paid 585/m and its' going up to 685..if you look around you can EASILY find something of better value! Just because this apartment is byu i approved and "close" to campus, it's not worth it! but it is close to the temple. that's a perk I rented from fall '09 through fall '09. ...

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