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St Germaine ApartmentsWrite a Review

2201 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, LA 70058

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πŸŽ“   1.9mi to Louisiana Technical College-West Jefferson Campus

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Location Details

πŸ“ 2201 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, LA 70058

πŸŽ“ 1.9mi

Distance to Louisiana Technical College-West Jefferson Campus

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 29min

EST. Walk to Louisiana Technical College-West Jefferson Campus

🚲 6min

Est. Bike ride to Louisiana Technical College-West Jefferson Campus

πŸš— 4min

Est. Drive to Louisiana Technical College-West Jefferson Campus

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There is absolutely nothing good to say about these apartments! There is almost too much to list that was wrong with these apartments. First of all, the quality of the grounds is a joke. There is trash everywhere, the buildings are average at best, the pool is very unclean at all times, the laundry room is always disguting and most of the washers and dryers are broken most of the time, but thankfully the office building is kept up very well. As far as the apartment goes, I moved in and the carpet was trashed. Come to find out, the toilet was broken and constantly running. It must have run over with the previous tennant. I put in MULTIPLE requests to fix it, and every time I put in a request, the maintenance would come out and fix ABSOULTELY NOTHING but leave a note saying it was fixed. On a constant basis, all the appliances would stop working and it was an act of god to get them fixed. The apartments are very poorly insulated and it requires the A/C to run constantly in the summer to stay cool and my heater never worked from the day I moved in, and maintenance refused to fix it. I had to buy a space heater to stay warm in the winter. About a year into my lease, my neighbots toilet overflowed and I had to live in a wet apartment with industrial sized fans blowing under the carpets to dry it because they REFUSED to replace the carpet. It became moldy and I had alergy problems since then. A friend of mine with whom I recommended he move in had his apartment catch fire because of shoddy wiring on the buidling. He was literally almost KILLED from smoke inhalation because the fire detectors did not go off. They did offer him a new apartment, but did not offer any discounts or moving assistance. They were also very rude about him getting his stuff out so they could clean the place to re-rent it to new tennants. Every time I talked to the manager she was a nightmare to deal with. I wish you could use derogatory language to speak of her because it's the only way to accurately describe what type of person she is. The office staff is not to horrible to deal with, but they were always leaving empty promises. The maintenance crew is a complete joke. I rarely saw them working and if I let them come fix something if I was not home the appliance was never fixed. It took my apartment to flood before they replaced my toilet. I would consistantly see them lounging around and not doing anything productive. The complex is also very unsafe from my expierences. There has been 2 seperate ocassions of shootings and multiple thefts, including cars being broken into. There was a brand new Corvette with the wheels stolen right off the car. There was 2 seperate occassions of fires being set to the buildings. Despite the fact I recommended 2 friends to move in, both have since moved out and I will not be renewing my lease with St. Germaine apartments. It is not worth the hassle of just attempting to live here. I didn't expect anything mind blowing for $690.00 a month, but I did expect basic courteous service and timely responses to requests for maintenance. I have included pictures of the apartment when it flooded. It was disgusting because we had to walk around on SOAKING wet carpet for about a month. The swore they would clean the carpet but never did.AVOID THIS PLACE LIKE THE PLAGUE. I rented from fall '08 through summer 10. ...

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