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Tiger Plaza & Stadium SquareWrite a Review

4445 Alvin Dark Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70820

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πŸŽ“   3.6mi to Southern

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Location Details

πŸ“ 4445 Alvin Dark Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70820

πŸŽ“ 3.6mi

Distance to Southern

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Southern

🚲 11min

Est. Bike ride to Southern

πŸš— 7min

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Research Score

 - 37/100 ORA ™ Score

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Former Resident

It was terrible to live there they had homeless people and drug addicts living in vacant apartments, the maintenance did not fix anything and the staff was uneducated when it came to helping tenants lease apartments


Tiger Plaza also owns Stadium Square, another apartment complex in Tigerland. I moved in to the apartment September 1 and it has been the worst experience of my life. Upon move in, my dishwasher was broken, I did not have hot water, the only drawer big enough in the kitchen for a silverware tray was missing, and the fan above my stove didn't work. I reported all of these problems to the apartment office the day I moved in. I did not get hot water until I had been living there for 14 days. My dishwasher was not fixed until December (over 3 months after I moved in). I got a kitchen drawer in November (over 2 months after I moved in). The fan above my stove is still not fixed (it's April, over 8 months since I moved in). The first time it rained (about a week after I moved in) the ceiling in my bathroom began to leak. It took over a week to get that repaired. They had to bring in a contractor to fix it. When I came home the day the contractor had been in my apartment, I came home to an absolute disaster. There was sheetrock dust EVERYWHERE; on my bed, my laptop, the bathroom, and all the furniture. There was water all over my bathroom counter and splashed all over my mirror. The workers had set drinks on my ANTIQUE furniture and left 2 rings to show for it. They had left a trashbag and straw wrappers in my room. They also tracked mud in my room so my carpet was stained. I also had a decorative ball that sat on a stand in my bathroom. The ball was missing. I reported this to the office who said they would clean it up. All they did was pick up the trash bag and straw wrappers. My carpet was never cleaned, the dust was not cleaned up, and the ball was never replaced. Since I've lived at these apartments, my Internet has been broken for at least 3 months total (1/3 of the time I've lived there), with the longest outage being 3 weeks. I got a different excuse every time I called. "The line was cut." "The IT guy will be here tomorrow." "I don't know why it's out but it will be back up and running tomorrow." Etc, etc. To top off my wonderful experience, the apartments began renovations about a month ago without giving the residents any notice. The workers begin work before 8AM and don't stop until 7PM at the earliest Monday through Saturday (and sometimes Sunday). I work nights so I have to stay at friends' houses to sleep during the day because the construction is so loud it makes the china in my cabinets rattle. The construction workers have set up their saw horses and other equipment in our parking lot so there is virtually no parking. The Internet was out for 5 days straight, back up for 3 days, and then down again for 7 days "due to construction." The construction workers also severed a water line so our water was cut off for about 12 hours one day with no warning or apology. (By the way, since I've lived here, the water has been cut off with no warning at least 3 different times. Good thing I had already showered and put water in my dog's bowl...). I have talked to Jamie, Heather, Mary, Alaina, and Tammy (the property manager) each several times about these issues. Nothing was ever solved. Eventually I called the company that manages the property and was able to get out of my lease. I move out of this hell-hole in about 3 weeks. If you are currently still living in Stadium Square or Tiger Plaza the only way you will get help for your problems is to call University Communities at: (303) 300-9028. If you are looking for a place to live...LOOK ELSEWHERE!!!!!! I rented from fall '09 through spring 10. ...


Office Staff doesn't do anything. If you want something fixed your going to have to call the office multiple times. I rented from fall 10 through fall '08.

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