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Cinnamon Run at Peppertree FarmWrite a Review

14120 Weeping Willow Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20906

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πŸŽ“   3.3mi to Yeshiva College of the Nations Capital

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Yeshiva College of the Nations Capital

Location Details

πŸ“ 14120 Weeping Willow Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20906

πŸŽ“ 3.3mi

Distance to Yeshiva College of the Nations Capital

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Yeshiva College of the Nations Capital

🚲 10min

Est. Bike ride to Yeshiva College of the Nations Capital

πŸš— 7min

Est. Drive to Yeshiva College of the Nations Capital

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Terrible maintanance staff, bad office staff who regularly loose paperwork, particularly the form you fill it when you first move in that lists things damaged before you move in, Air conditioning systems are undersized in some units, not adequatly cooling the space, and also causing the tenant enormous electrical bills (my mom pays less to cool her 3 story home to 72 degress than I payed for a 2 bedroom apartment to cool it to 78 degrees). That comes out to about $450 in the hottest summer months. Maintanance refuses to admit there is a problem and simply says "it blows cold air so it works" There were horents nests on the balcony when I moved in that were not sprayed, Cracks in drywall in some areas that were 2 to 3 feet long, most likely from water damage, The dryer is not vented to the outside in several apartments and spews hot muggy air into you apartment that is so bad it fogs all sorounding windows to the point they are dripping wet. Also, definantly move here if you would like your car vandalized, thats pretty much a garuantee, one morning 12 cars were vandalized outside my building, including mine and my wifes. I could go on and in and there is alot more wrong with this place, but if you arent convinced yet not to move here, than nothing else will convince you. I rented from summer '06 through spring '08. ...

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