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The Summit & Jacob HeightsWrite a Review

1801 Monks Ave, Mankato, MN 56001

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$435 - $585
πŸ›Œ  5
πŸ›  1.5
πŸŽ“   0.5mi to MSU

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to MSU

Location Details

πŸ“ 1801 Monks Ave, Mankato, MN 56001

πŸŽ“ 0.5mi

Distance to MSU

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 8min

EST. Walk to MSU

🚲 2min

Est. Bike ride to MSU

πŸš— 1min

Est. Drive to MSU

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If at least one person reads this review, then it was worth my time typing it up. The main reason I did this review is because I was so disrespected by the managers here at the Summit/Jacob Heights, and I wanted to prevent others from going through the same experience. This is important to know - the property is right next to a huge trailer park, so lots of ghetto people around/crime occurring regularly- such as fights, vandalism, and auto theft. Dont believe me, check this site for details: http://www.cityrating.com/crime-statistics/minnesota/mankato.html There are two managers at The Summit/Jacob Heights(Alex and Brian) who are very rude and disrespectful. They treated me with the utmost disrespect of any manager in any profession I have ever encountered. New Professional managers (with an emphasis on Professional) would do wonders for these apartments and retaining tenants. Utilities- How they charge electric utilities is unknown. They tell you it is an average of kilowatts used based on other tenants usage in previous years. (what? so if the chump before me left lights/t.v. on all the time, my bill is going to be higher?) The Excel energy people never checked the meters on my building during Winter months (800 level building) because I looked for footprints in the snow and there were NONE TO BE FOUND, yet they still sent out a bill. This is flat out wrong, and essentially stealing from you. Parking- parking is not adequate, and they tell you this from the beginning- there is at least one parking spot per bedroom on the property, but that single spot left may be on the other side of the property, thus leaving a very long walk- and if you have any groceries, heavy items, etc, it could become a burden of multiple trips to your car and back, which is not fun in the cold Winter months. It's a shame too, becaue they have room/land for additional parking spaces, except they apparently find hills of dead grass and mud more appealing...sigh. Another thing, they have snow emergencies to plow the parking lot (which is good),- unless the staff forgets to post signs of when they are plowing, which leads to vehicles being towed. -Imagine, you are cooking dinner, watching t.v., etc, and you go outside to find your car being gone unexpectedly, all because someone did not post a warning that they are plowing the lot (which they are supposed to do). If you have any complaints, it is very difficult to get any one-on-one face time with a person of authority since they always seem to be tied up in meetings, out to lunch, forgetting to call you back, etc. And if you want to take your complaint a step further, they flat out refuse to give out a corporate phone number, email, etc to file a complaint. (Probably to protect themselves from being reprimanded) The model apartment they sell you is nice, but, the walls/floors/ceilings are paper thin-which they conveniently forget to tell you (selling tactic I'm sure). If you like hearing your neighbors party all night, fight/argue/scream, have sex, then this is the place for you! If you are looking for a place that you can actually get some peace and quiet, rest, get some studying done, look elsewhere, since there will be distractions/noise like no tomorrow all night long. They have a computer lab, which appears nice at first, but then you realize the printer is ALWAYS out of paper and they have a lock on it so you can't even use your own paper. The computer lab is next to their tanning rooms, which have music blasting all day, which makes it difficult to concentrate- if you do happen to use the computer lab in the first place. In summary, the management staff are rude and disrespecful when confronted about issues (such as parking or utility fees), the parking lot is inadequate for the amount of residents, and the complex as a whole is very noisy (thin apt walls/ceilings). Some good though- Andy and the maintenance staff are great, hot tube is nice, and work out room is decent! I rented from fall '09 through fall 11. ...


I rented from fall '07 through spring '08.

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