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Riverwatch CommonsWrite a Review

100 Hiram Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

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πŸŽ“   0.3mi to Rutgers

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πŸ“ 100 Hiram Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

πŸŽ“ 0.3mi

Distance to Rutgers

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 5min

EST. Walk to Rutgers

🚲 1min

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πŸš— 1min

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They will come up with any excuse to take your money. Right trying to take them to small claims court. Also trying to research other complaints. Awful...be careful. I rented from summer 10 through summer 11.


Will rip you off when you leave!!!! We cleaned thoroughly and were charged crazy fees - almost $1,000!!! AND THEY SENT OUR BILL TO THE OLD ADDRESS TOO (to the apt we just vacated- duh!)!!!! Now we have collections agencies after us. Horrible customer service. No replies to our emails, questions regarding the bill, etc. NOT WORTH IT! I rented from fall '07 through fall '09. ...


These are a few gotchas before renting at Riverwatch commons: 1) the initial rents are low along-side a month's discount. However, the monthly rent increases at around $80/month each year after the first year. 2) the cc-tv cameras are a gimmick. We have had cars damaged, gps units stolen with the New Brunswick PD unable to get any tapes from any camera. 3) even though the buildings are gated, all sorts of people tail-gate in and loiter in the building at all odd hours. Riverwatch maintainance suggests tennats to call local authorities. 4) there is an option of choosing a bond of $500 instead of the large security deposit. The trick is that when one vacates you get back zero in case of the bond even if you never broke the lease. At least in the case of a deposit you get some interest and part of the principle back. 5) speaking of which, the last gotcha is when you vacate, Riverwatch sends you a hefty check of $1-2 thousand. They basically replace the carpet, filters and prepare the apartment for the next tenant at 100% your expense. This will come to you as a total surprise and without notice. I hope you do your homework well before renting with Riverwatch at New Brunswick as the long term issues outweigh many-folds all short-term benefits. I rented from summer '05 through summer '09. ...

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