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The Verge Las CrucesWrite a Review

320 E Union Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88001

πŸŽ‰  Want to match with more properties like this one?
$445 - $495
πŸ›Œ  4
πŸ›  2
πŸŽ“   2.6mi to Las Cruces

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to Las Cruces

Location Details

πŸ“ 320 E Union Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88001

πŸŽ“ 2.6mi

Distance to Las Cruces

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Las Cruces

🚲 8min

Est. Bike ride to Las Cruces

πŸš— 5min

Est. Drive to Las Cruces

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This place is horrible. They charge you for everything, a $100 application fee, a $200 community fee, a $250 lease sign over fee (its going from one file to another and that costs $250?!?!). This place needs to be shut down, I overheard tenants complaining about the black mold, that stuff kills!!!! Your car will get vandalized. Good luck sleeping with all the drunk partiers. I rented from spring '09 through summer '09. ...


What this place claims to be and what it is are two totally different things. You can hear through the walls. Tenants aren't friendly. Trash and dog poo litter the area. Plus, people don't know how to throw trash in the trash compactor. It sits outside until custodians clean it up. Parking is plentiful, even though they just changed it to needing a parking pass. What a shame because they should of hired a night security guard to enforce quite time. Nothing like a bunch of drunk, obnoxious, and disrespectful college students to ruin your 8 am test. It does come furnished and you get your own bath. I rented from fall '07 through summer '08. ...


The building quality is shotty at best. The pool is too small for the number of people they try to pack in. Parking is plentiful. Location is within biking distance of the university. Management loves to spring changes on you without informing you


I rented from fall '06 through summer '08.


The other reviews you'll find all seem to be way too happy and cheerful, and are likely BS written by employees, since the company is desperate to have a larger occupancy. The place is OK, but just barely. People are too lazy to pick up their dog's crap, so watch where you step. Can be a bit noisy, especially on the weekends, so be sure to get an upstairs apt. Sure you only get one bill, with electricity included, but energy prices are incredibly high so tack on an extra $20-40 each month for electricity overages. Internet and TV are barely decent, and you don't have the option of getting something different yourself. I rented from fall '07 through spring '08. ...


This is a wonderful apartment who's location is ideal for the life of a college student. The price is $445 a month for an all inclusive apartment, complete with washer and dryer in each unit, a microwave, fridge, dishwasher, fully furnished rooms with bed, dresser, nightstand, walk in closet, full size bathroom. There is a bathroom in each room (which locks for your privacy), so that is a real good deal. The cable TV and high speed internet is also included, and a $90 stipend for electricity is included. In the summer they have a huge pool with plenty of tanning chairs and tables for everyone to enjoy. There were tons of people down there and it was a great enviornment to meet new people. Inside their clubhouse they have a pool table, ping pong table and two tanning beds that all residents can use without having to pay. I experienced some problems with my kitchen sink when i first moved in, but the Maitenance that The Grove has on staff came and fixed it pretty quickly. I love the fact that water, electricity, garbage are all included in the price, and that i only have one bill to pay each month. I live here currently and I am planning on renewing my lease for next year, and would reccommened this apartment to everyone. I rented from fall '06 through spring '08. ...

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