I have lived here for the past four years and I am moving on. It is bad enough to have rent increases from $200.00 to $350.00 per year but this year is the last straw. My lease is up for renewal the end of February. I received my annual increase as
usual. I went out on Craigβs list and found that management was leasing the same townhouse for $1629.00 per month and had been for almost two months now. With my new lease increase I would be paying over $2000.00 per month. I brought it to managementβs attention and asked that they give me the same rate as a new move tenant would be paying. In the most polite manner you can imagine they pretty much told me to go f@#k myself. They would only give that rate to a new tenant. I suggested that I would like to move into one of the available townhouses for the $1629.00. Bend over here it comes again. They stated for that to happen I would have to completely move out of my townhouse and off the premises, come back and fill out an application, have my credit checked and then maybe if one was available I could move in. I have been living here for four years and never paid the rent late, never bounced a check never complained about my neighbors nor have my neighbors ever complained about me. I have not complained about the kids smoking crack or whatever they are passing around in a pipe in the parking lot at night. Two weeks after Essex Properties fired the security guards one of my cars was broken into the other was tagged with black paint. Since Essex Properties has taken over I have had three vehicle break ins, one tagging and last week someone stole my antenna. AND I LIVE RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE COMPLEX MANAGEMENT OFFICE.
Hasta La Vista Baby
I rented from fall '05 through spring '08.