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Enclave At DominionWrite a Review

6974 Oak Dr, San Antonio, TX 78256

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πŸ›Œ  1-3
πŸŽ“   6.2mi to Hallmark Institute of Technology

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πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸŽ“  Miles to Hallmark Institute of Technology

Location Details

πŸ“ 6974 Oak Dr, San Antonio, TX 78256

πŸŽ“ 6.2mi

Distance to Hallmark Institute of Technology

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Hallmark Institute of Technology

🚲 19min

Est. Bike ride to Hallmark Institute of Technology

πŸš— 12min

Est. Drive to Hallmark Institute of Technology

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 74/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Enclave At Dominion alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Current Resident

So, it seems that we are now stuck once again with the UNRESPONSIVE, RUDE, METH USER Manager, Rochelle Rios. I don't know what happened to the other Manager Lisa, but she was FINALLY getting things done it seemed. She was cleaning this place up from the disturbances that occur in the 4 building every night, which apparently is the relative of Rochelle's. Go figure. Every time you even try and have a conversation with Rochelle, she cannot seem to refrain from interrupting you and pinning her opinion on the situation. She obviously cannot remain still for a split second and by doing so, she makes you so uncomfortable and nervous. Her wired eyes just gaze at you as you're speaking to her, and she'll make some random notions or accusations that are just ridiculous. I don't know how she became a regional. Rumor has it she has had three ways with another manger, Amanda and her husband. who worked at the Abbey at Dominion. If you are a worker with the same company I'm sure you have heard the rumors. lol This place is a joke. There's no control here. Residents do what they please. I had my neighbor have a full on fight with her boyfriend and it just seems to continue every night. Might I add she's the one related to Rochelle so she gets the special treatment. I feel sorry for all the other employees who have to deal with her strange behavior. That must be why the other manager felt the need to leave this place. There is poop everywhere. Parking is a huge mess every single day. If you ask her to tow anyone she is scared to make anymore residents upset with her than she already has, so you're left with an unresolved issue and pay for reserved parking for nothing.Β  Maintenace is always prompt. No resident functions take place here and packages go missing from your front door. Trash is left in front of doors and it smells through-out the breezeways. I cannot wait for us to bail from this horrid place. I lived at the quarry and had a much better experience. Save yourself and RUN AWAY! You'll lease and move in and never hear from them again. ...

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