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Flatiron District at Austin RanchWrite a Review

6740 Davidson St #1000, The Colony, TX 75056

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πŸŽ“   11.6mi to Richardson

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Location Details

πŸ“ 6740 Davidson St #1000, The Colony, TX 75056

πŸŽ“ 11.6mi

Distance to Richardson

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Richardson

🚲 30+min

Est. Bike ride to Richardson

πŸš— 23min

Est. Drive to Richardson

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A$$hole city! I don't think many of these people actually go to school. Social life is great if you like drinking all off your parents money. I rented from fall '02 through winter '03.


The worst experience I ever had moving out. I cleaned my apartment up and down and didn't even have a pet, but they charged me like I destroyed the place. I recommand to take pictures and do a walk through. They will rip you off!! I rented from fall '07 through spring '08. ...


I have lived here for almost a year and I am ready to move out! When I moved in I could tell that the carpet was not new and needed to be cleaned. The apt smelled like smoke and over the next few days my clothes started to smell too! The leasing agents change like every month so you never get to talk to the same person. The floors are so thin I can hear everything the person does above me. There are too many people living there that have dogs that bark all night long and they don't pick up there poop! People put there trash put days before it's going to be picked up and it starts to attrach rats and other animals! I had a family of rats living on my pourch when I moved in! I called the office about and they did nothing about it, they acted like they didn't care! I even told them about the trash problem and they said they would write a letter and I haven't seen a letter! The air vent in my bathroom hasn't worked since i moved in and i've had maintence out to fix and they didn't fix it. BUT when they did come they used my toiet and left the seat up and turned on my AC to 60 degrees and left to on all day! I didn't get home till late that day! The apt look night on the internet but if you just take a drive thourgh the apt you;ll see that they are TRASHED! It's not worth your time or money to live here! There are better apartments out there! Don't be a uppy and move here just because it's "Austin Ranch" there;s really nothing special about it. All you get is a headache and high blood pressure! I rented from winter '05 through winter '06. ...

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