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Mountain VistaWrite a Review

350 N 885 E, Provo, UT 84606

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$245 - $450
🎓   1.6mi to BYU

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🎓  Miles to BYU

Location Details

📍 350 N 885 E, Provo, UT 84606

🎓 1.6mi

Distance to BYU

🚶‍️ 24min

EST. Walk to BYU

🚲 5min

Est. Bike ride to BYU

🚗 3min

Est. Drive to BYU

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They find any way to take money from your deposit. I rented from fall 2016 through summer 2017.


So, the place was ok. Kinda made me depressed every time I walked in, but pleas please please get the place from anyone else that ISNT Stone Properties. They are honestly a bunch of pretentious money-grabbers and Scott is one of the worst human beings I've ever had to deal with. Honestly, just looking out for y'all when I say don't rent from Stone Properties and if you can avoid having to deal with a man or woman named Scott or Linda Stone do it! Scum of earth... ...


My neighbors, roommates, and I all hate, loathe, and despise REMS. Here’s what you can expect when you rent from REMS: First, do not expect to see or hear from the same people at REMS. In the last year REMS has had three different leasing agents, and I’ve seen at least six different secretaries come and go. Be ready to experience something along the lines of, “Who said they would do that…? Oh, So-and-So no longer works here…” Nothing gets done because the REMS’ employees realize after working for a short time at REMS, anyone who knows any better doesn’t want to have anything to do with REMS. I actually commiserate with the lost personal because having lived in a REMS managed property, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to work for REMS. Before you rent or have your property managed by REMS just consider, if REMS as a company can’t keep their own employees (who aren’t locked into a year-long contract to force them to stick around) happy and satisfied, what is the likelihood that REMS will be able to keep their tenants (who are locked into a year-long contract) happy and satisfied? When you move in, expect the place and your room to be dirty. The mattress REMS provided should have been classified as a Bio Hazard: it smelled gross and was covered in stains. There were multiple stains on the carpet in my room and in the living room and REMS will likely try to charge you for it (even if you did your move-in condition report sheet). When you move out, expect a superfluous $50 cleaning charge. Two of our roommates graduated, and each time REMS sent someone over to do some after checkout “cleaning.” All the guy does is look around the room of the past tenant for ten minutes and wipe down the window sill with a dry cloth while he texts and plays on his cell phone. This one-man cleaning crew disappears as quickly as he came and you now have a $50 cleaning fee. (On a side note, if this is how the cleaning business really operates, I should forget all about starting my graduate studies in Physical Therapy. You can earn about $300/hour all while performing minimal labor and playing games on your cell phone.) All of our neighbors in the condo next door to us got eviction notices out of the blue because REMS had made a major accounting error. There were no apologies from REMS about their accounting error or the eviction notices they sent out. Apparently it is just part of REMS’ business practices and you just have to deal with it. I rented from fall 10 through summer 11. ...


I rented from fall 2011 through winter 2012 and it's a pretty nice complex. The living room and kitchen are spacious. The room sizes vary, two of them are pretty big but I had one of the smaller ones. It's about a mile south of campus so the walk to and from can get annoying, and the ward is really spread out. From my experience the people living in the complex for the most part are not the most social and even the rest of the ward tends to forget where we are because it is so far south. Overall it's a pretty good place though. I rented from winter 11 through fall 11. ...

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