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Green Leaf VillasWrite a Review

7940 S Main St, Midvale, UT 84047

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$650 - $700
πŸ›Œ  3
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   2.6mi to Eagle Gate College

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedrooms


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to Eagle Gate College

Location Details

πŸ“ 7940 S Main St, Midvale, UT 84047

πŸŽ“ 2.6mi

Distance to Eagle Gate College

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to Eagle Gate College

🚲 8min

Est. Bike ride to Eagle Gate College

πŸš— 5min

Est. Drive to Eagle Gate College

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Concerning Midtown Villas now going by Green Leaf Villas. Believe this how you may, if you feel this is just me ranting then please ignore it, but I feel obligated to at least inform you about the conditions at this apartment. As me and my wife are in the process of leaving due to the bug infestations they have. My apologies on the length of this review, I just wanted most the general details disclosed. -On the positive side the apartment was very roomy for a good price plus they allowed dogs. It's near a violent area but there is a police station next door so it isn't bad. -The real downer for me was the bug problems. They have Cockroaches infesting all their buildings and quite a few tenants we talked to have bedbugs or had them at one point. -We moved into this apartment with a brand new bed, sheets, towels etc. as we were just married. We started getting bites at night right away once we moved in, progressively getting worse. We also noticed cockroaches a few weeks after moving in. After researching our bites and bloodstains on our sheets, we checked the bed and room and found bed bugs. We immediately notified management which sent in an exterminator a few days later. We spent countless hours cleaning things as to not transfer these pests elsewhere. They sprayed the apartment, and we kept waking up with bites. With speaking to the apartment manager they won't let us break our lease without paying a lease termination fee. Even with them not being able to get rid of the bedbugs. They also stated as an alternative we could pay rent until a new tenant rented the apartment after which we would not be responsible for paying rent. Essentially they spray the apartment (which didn't work before) and declare it bedbug free and rent it to an unsuspecting new tenant. So if you are that new tenant good luck to you. ...

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