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Silver Oak Apartment HomesWrite a Review

8701 NE 54th St, Vancouver, WA 98662

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πŸŽ“   1.4mi to Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary-Northwest

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πŸŽ“  Miles to Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary-Northwest

Location Details

πŸ“ 8701 NE 54th St, Vancouver, WA 98662

πŸŽ“ 1.4mi

Distance to Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary-Northwest

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 21min

EST. Walk to Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary-Northwest

🚲 4min

Est. Bike ride to Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary-Northwest

πŸš— 3min

Est. Drive to Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary-Northwest

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Research Score

Research Score

 - 62/100 ORA ™ Score

RateMyApartments provides a supplementary quality score (ORA ™) for Silver Oak Apartment Homes alongside reviews posted directly to RateMyApartments.



Current Resident

All I can say is this... unless you are on low income housing and cannot afford anything else.... don't do it! I gave this place a fair chance and tried to be understanding and tolerant at the beginning. However, bottom line is this....Silver Oaks is a dump. The staff range from unhelpful and insincere to downright rude and unprofessional and emails and phone calls are often not returned. I moved here from across the country for my job and had to find a place online. This complex completely misrepresented itself and by the time I got here and realized what kind of place it was it was too late. I am in disbelief that some of these reviewers have stated the property is clean and well maintained - it is not! Unless you have really low standards, that is. Trash is ALWAYS overflowing and littered about everywhere. The apartments are cheaply built and maintained - even the updated ones. I had to buy my own faucets because the ones that were installed when I moved in were so corroded it was disgusting, and requests for replacements were met with "oh we can't order anything right now because of covid." The homeless run around like they run the place and steal. There is supposed to be security but they are completely ineffectual. There truly is virtually no parking and you pay a pretty penny for the parking there is. Overall this is one of the worst places I have ever lived. Thankfully I am moving home to Colorado soon and will be buying out of my lease. Apartment living sucks in general but do your research and vet this place before you get stuck in a horrible lease. There are much much better apartments around this area that cost less to live in and are cleaner and significantly more maintained. ...


On any given night I park 30 yards from my front door. Tonight I parked over 50 yards from my front door. They charge extra for an assigned space, only there is none. In addition they don't pay for anything. I have to pay for water, sewer, garbage, electrical and mandatory renters insurance. I rented from summer '07 through summer '08. ...

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